g13: Edge of the Lies | BoBoiBoy & Elementals

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Hello, loves! :)

Um, I guess this'll be a comfort for me too.. I just want to drop a quick mild-angst update. Um huhu, we got some madly frustrated boys in a fit of ranged that seemed unrivaled in here—however it's just short. Still, I admit this was rushed :( for I simped too hard in the recent chapter.. sue me, haha.

Mature Content.

Such as triggering words, anxiety, psychological deals and etc. Because it's angst—

Restless, BoBoiBoy | Devastate, Blaze | Lies, Cyclone | Voices, Ice | Useless, Solar | Silence, Thorn | Inebriated, Thunderstorm

I'll do a solo for Quake.



His shadow was so restless, as it passed from Earth to another planet; burdened by life's troubles and the stabbing anxiety mix wonderfully into an energy-giving pernicious outraging impact. The collision of blending acrimony wasn't helping him any better, and include the indecently look that furthermore piqued as you reflected it back to him.

There were only distant glimpses that dealt the elemental hero under gray despair, and pace the lonely bridge of love and.. frustration.

Silence invades..

you zeroed both of your eyes to overwhelm the unwanted vex, realizing you do not have the right to be eminently mad at him, and you reopened them as your shivering hand attempted to reach his, stopped mid-air when he shrugs his hand to his side, away from you.

"I tried." It was just two words from him, however it screams so much more. "Even though I make mistakes.. too.. I know my worth and.. I'm s-sure.. I still don't deserve this, Y/n.. right?" It features the crack of his soft airy voice, and his exhausted, dull pair of round hazel eyes gazed lifelessly down the ground in nothingness. His shoulders heave and tears slide down his smooth, delicate puffed cheeks.. for he didn't expect to return in a situation like this after weeks of serving in the galaxy, selflessly.

It was like those forbidden captivation he had for you faded quickly away, and this was the only perspective he sees. For a cheery person in smiles like him and despite seeing the worse, it was still difficult to process this brackish reality that reforms from splintered pieces, and the resulted cicatrix shall remain untouched for long..

He doesn't want to speak anymore, or maybe he doesn't have the courage to do so.. afraid he might hurt the both of you.

Then without uttering another word he shuts his eyes tight, force to bite his lower trembling lip to the point it bled from the coasted line of pierce just to keep himself from screaming, and he covers his mouth with both of his hands ending him to cry in muffled gut-wrenching sobs that tore from his chest, barely allowing a breath to be drawn.. and pushing him closely to suffocation.

His heart is backed up into a corner..

Shivering, from the cold..

The overwhelming anger of his..

No one can understand.


Darkness tugs at the edge of your vision, everything is blurry and all you see is your boyfriend, who was yelling daggers at you, and it was.. fearful. It was causing hard and unstable panicking thumps within you for you have never, seen this harsh relentlessly side of him. It was a nightmare.. you wished. Desperately, wished.

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