b07: Hot Boys 2 | Elementals

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Simple fluff to enlighten the stress mood! Haha, of me.

Cyclone, Expert PLAYER | Quake, Must Protective | Ice, A Baby Care

Oh, it's a typo, supposedly Most Protective.


It was dismissal, the final day for this week, Friday, and the corridors filled students walking in groups or friends chattering in relief about the possible plans they were gonna do to celebrate the end of the torture evaluation of an item's ability named none other than Exam.

Some would go to the Café, malls, even bars to party the night. They were still underage and you do not know how they would even make it in. It wasn't your concern anyway.

You smiled on the thought of checking up on your boyfriend who happens to be practicing with his Team on the field, in preparation for next week's Sports fest competition. They were excused and had an earlier special schedule on taking the exams for being the school's varsity players.

Upon arriving on the ground floor, outside the open field you could already hear the ranging screams and cheers of his fangirls occupying the bench. You were surprised, even if this was just a practice game and not being necessary for their presence, Cyclone's fangirls would still follow and support him knowing where he is and what he's doing. They could even beat you for knowing his schedules, being the girlfriend on that.




"Ah, excuse me..." you tried to fit yourself out through the crowd even on the entrance for you couldn't really see how well your boyfriend is doing on the game.

Thanks a lot to your midget height.

The fangirls got annoyed by your movement of distraction, though somewhat just shrugged and let you go through for them to continue on the cheer, unaware that you were the one and only girlfriend of the guy they are admiring on.

You made it to the side of the court, free from the occupied space, and you smiled seeing your boyfriend, in defense for the opposite Team and he immediately felt your presence as he noticed you from the corner of his sky blue shaded eyes. He was panting and out of breath, but he managed to widely smile back at you, feeling encourage to see you here.

"Go, CyCy! Hehehe." You tried to cheer even if it blended on the screams of the fangirls, being of no use. Despite that, it was the only easing voice of motivation that got into his ears and he was gonna take a hold on that, because it is only you who matter to him.

Great... he kinda wants to impress you with his skills.

The ball was passed to his team mate, Cy moved wide for some space and so it was handed to him before looking around for an open pass. He sprint to the sidelines and ran up the field. Another mate was in assist by pushing the defense away from Cy, the other was in-front of him.

It didn't took the other team to realize that Cy had the ball. He managed to make it to the end zone and did a turn over on the last opponent, running closer as he glanced for the net with where the ball passes completely over the goal line under the crossbar and between the posts, to make the goal point in consideration.

He found the available open space in the upper right corner, the goalkeeper staying in focus and alert for the final move Cyclone would do, and he was prepared for it.

One more glanced... now to your direction and he smiled... more like a grin. This is for you. Watch me, baby.

He stomped and the pressure of his foot causing strike towards ball up the air. He built his weight up to jump high, springing clear off the ground while keeping his eyes focused on the ball and made sure of the balance and control for his next move, in motions of attempting to aim and kick the ball backwards or over his head into the net.

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