a04: Risks of the Fallen | Cyclone & Quake

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Scars, No Regrets, Cyclone | Greatest What If, Quake

Scars, No Regrets

"A-ah.. it's okay." Cyclone pursed a genuine smile with an unapparent and invisible touch of pain at the same time, one that he would never bother to show you how he's been keeping this to himself for a so long.. and his suffering from his own repetitive sacrifice everyday, moment, living for the same reason.. only to stay with you.

The worst kind of pain is when you're smiling, just trying to keep the tears off from falling in-front of the person you love, and been trying to hide it from.

It feels like constantly screaming on the inside though no one could actually hear you.. since we need to remain calm and okay on the outside for them to see. For her to see.

"..I'm glad.. to hear that, you know? Isn't that great, Y/n?"

You noticed something off was found on his current emotion and tone, gazing your concerned eyes towards him not knowing what is wrong.

You tried to see it.. to feel it.. however he was just too good to remain the pretend of his shielded mask of true colors.

"Uhm.. y-yeah, Cyclone. I've been waiting for this to happen, hoping and now this time finally came.. I feel like we were really.. meant to be together." You replied in such graceful thoughts.

You knew this was such cliché words to say but.. this is what love does, makes us crazy head over heels and state whatever cringey words you could think off, those kinds of sheezy stuffs.

"..I can't really express how happy I am to know.. things are pacing the way it was perfect to be, Cy."

"Me too." He just says.

"W-why do you not sound good?" You questioned his tone, attempting to check in for him feeling the concern and worry within you that something may not be right, "are you sad?"

"Haha, of course not, Y/n." His slightest laugh of response made you felt a relief, his laughter that has this certain charm with the ability to cure anyone's sorrowful grief just upon hearing his easing angelic voice..

..who would be there to cure his own suffering? Were you even there for him?

"But are you sure?"

"You are happy with another guy so why am I supposed to be sad? You know it is only your happiness that makes me smile, right?"

You felt stunned as the realization hit you, recalling the remembrance of the current situation that he, Cyclone, was the person who accompanied you within the process of your misfortune experience by getting cheated on your first relationship.

It was him who cheered you up and made every moment of your life worth the while to live in, that there are more to see and encounter than just the repentant and assertive bad boy you stupidly fell in love with. Or if it was even actually love.

Cyclone was just your classmate, friend before this. You knew the wind manipulator loved you tenderly. He shared you his unconditional affection with no limits or condition, completely loving you with all his life.

It was perfect, having such a selfless caring Cyclone with you makes you ask for no more than that.

For him, you were one in a million. A lot of girls gets in his way, but it was always and only you whom his eyes chooses to see.

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