The One Who Fell First (Blaze POV) 2

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The One Who Fell First
Blaze POV
(Game of Falling Prequel 2/2)

"Hmm, you've been keeping yourself busy lately, huh?" Blaze started in a low, husky voice that was intentionally audible, as he closed the distance between the two of you, leaning in closer to whisper against your ear. "Didn't think we'd still see each other this time around?"

"Blaze," you said in surprised, standing up as he regained his composure, unsure of how to respond to his sudden and unexpected approach at the moment.

"Were you avoiding me, Y/n?"

"Blaze, you're not supposed to be here—"

"Tell me, why were you avoiding me?" he persisted, his voice almost begging for the answers to the questions that had been weighing on him for days. "What did I do wrong?"

Realizing he would not relent until you gave him a proper response, you pressed your lips together and gestured for him to talk somewhere else, away from the noise and crowd. He silently followed as you led him to the other entrance on the other side of the field. It was a quieter and more secluded place. A place where you could talk with him without prying eyes and ears.

"I-I'm not avoiding you because you did something wrong," you started and faced him, fidgeting your fingers. His full attention was on you, listening to your every word and noticing the smallest details of your body language. "It's just that... we can't be seen together."

"And why is that, huh?"

Even though he was already aware of the situation happening behind your back, he wanted to listen to you and hear you out first, seeing how visibly nervous you were around him, rather than comfortable. And seeing that pained him.

"B-Because the people are not happy to see you around me..." you admitted softly, trying to smile through the way your eyes welled with tears and your voice cracked, finally opening up to someone — him. His hand reached out and grasped yours, not realizing how your hand was trembling. "They're not happy about what happened between us..."

"Is that it?" he asked gently, trying to catch your line of sight. "Is that what this is all about, baby?"

Immediately, you shook your head, as if he had not completely understood you yet. "A-Avoiding you would also keep me out of trouble... out of losing my credibility... while I'm serving the public, Blaze..."

Blaze's jaw tightened painfully as he listened to your explanation. He was seething with absolute rage about what happened between you and him. It was that kiss that the girls had obsessed over that made him feel disgusted. It was his fault. But you were the one facing the consequences of his actions. And that knowledge that the boys had turned on you too. He could not feel any more utterly disgusted by the entire situation. He could not just ask about it because he knew — he knew all too well that he would do something he would regret in the future.

The sheer injustice of it all had him practically trembling, his hands clenching and unclenching as he struggled to contain the surge of protective anger coursing through him.

"Please, just let them be, Blaze..."

The way your voice softly called out to him made him look down at you, any unbidden thoughts now gone, the fire within him tamed.

"I don't want to cause any more trouble..."

Why are you this selfless, baby?

His expression darkened, the usual mirth in his eyes replaced by a barely restrained anger and frustration.

"What they've been doing to you is completely unacceptable, and they deserve to pay for the way they've been treating you," he said, his voice low and dangerous, gripping your hand tightly paired with an unkempt grin. "So I'm afraid I can't promise you that. I can't promise to stay away from you anymore, not when they're making your life a living hell."

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