f12: Try Me, Baby | Blaze

1.6K 54 316

This one shots was extended from the same scenario in f11: First Morning Moment.

Hi, my exams are finally done! Omg, huhu. I was gonna post this yesterday morning but I lost the mood when I woke up for personal reasons.. :( it's okie, it's here now.

With a risky twist.


Omg wait, I'm so sorry, huhu. Thank you so much to the people who added this book in your reading list recently last week. I am personally take it as an appreciation, but why my story, huhu.. I love you all, really.

Intimidating chapter ahead because I had been through such agony within the exam week, haha. WE GOT A TEASING HOT BOY—it's just chillaxing overall and completely safe, don't worry! :) still, it's Blaze, YA'LL xd. This is supposed to be a double shots however this ended too long to add Ice's :( I would be separating him instead uwu.

Here is a 7K Blaze x Reader-feel free to point out the mistakes, I finished writing last Saturday for one day only. It's my new record, huhu.

Just did a few enhancement on it yesterday. Enjoy :) it's for you.

7K straight of teasing I-haha.

Specially dedicated for V1R51L . Ayeee, check her out. LET'S GOOO VIRAI! WE BOTH NEED BLAZE HAHA :')


Try Me, Baby

The blustery wind faded away and were alternatively treated with a misty sunrise in the west, a drop of burning gold that slid nearer the avenue of approach passing by as it emitted the night sky that scuttled off across the ridge, commencing with a low light and gradually increasing brighter similar to the full rise it is. The spectacular axis facing a sweeter variant to the upper limb of the sun, includes conspicuously a few hot trailed kisses down your neck.. now on it's way to your collarbone by your boyfriend, kisses born with both the smoky thrill of heat and hunger yet this early in the morning. Repeatedly whispering your name enticingly with an unfading grim smile, curving on his lips.

You couldn't refrain your own boyfriend from being too clingy, or in touch with you. If thoughts were audible, you'd have a cacophony in your head as it expeditiously blended with the worsening early mood of yours, can't even addressing it why or where it came from either. It was some diurnal mood variation.

Blaze pouts petulantly in both awe and frustration, "Baby, why are you not.. responding to me?"

"I'm still sleepy, okay." You muttered sluggishly, and remained your eyes zeroed to willfully ignore him with the lack of mood and energy at the moment, you could barely open them, comparable to an invisible magnetic field that was attracting the fatigue overly to consume your internal senses.

It didn't stop Blaze to plaster a smirk playing across his face. He continues brushing his searingly lips lightly-like a wave of warmth, and still that light touch sent shivers through your nerves as he conquered the depths of your neck, softly mapped every inch of it as if he mastered the balance of gravity. Undeniably, the flutter intensifies within you as you kept your eyes shut close to avoid giving in so easily. It was hypnotic, beyond limitless reasons.

Only Blaze could do that, the perilously tease to silenced your thoughts and make you crave for more, to be caught between an array of feelings and how he addictively invaded all your senses.. an addiction you couldn't quit. Only him.

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