l18: Indelible Milestone | Amato

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Hi friends,

Request from: Carly_Cake

Thank you. Reader meets Amato, not in duration of his teenage times though, rather as a future father-in-law :) this, I must say, is considered as a milestone of a relationship, meeting the parent.

And oh no, I ain't gonna simp for him in here; I'll definitely be sued by my readers, haha.



Starlight draws your eyes such of a heaven-bound; the dusk comes as a promise of those brilliant pearls apparently cushioned upon pure black velvet. Neon lights flickered through the small, glass windows into the vast white-dotted darkness of space.

As you passed through the heavens, supernovas and galaxies exploded into your vision with endless colour and energy radiating off them.. it was.. utterly mesmerizing & surreal.

BoBoiBoy quite involuntarily, took a deep breath as he aligns the ship turning the steering helm half it's rotation alongside leisurely settles the ship down until it reaches the cragged terra firma of the planet grounds. He glances at you with an audible sigh- nonetheless upturning a wry smile, "Are you ready, Y/n?"

"I.. guess." you roll your lips inwards, observing as he leans beside you to unclasped the seat belt, "Um, I relished the ride.. & it still amazes me how you could drive this spaceship on your own—I mean, glad we didn't collided with the asteroids, right?"

And to think that your boyfriend actually brought you to outer SPACE—

He chuckles, prompting the engines off as it shuts down, "I wouldn't let that happen, of course. And don't worry, I can take you out again once we're given our free days. I promise, love.." you solemnly gaze back at him, smiling reflectively, "Let's go, now! Can't wait for you to meet my dad! Hehe."

"Okay." With feet on rock below, you were both ought to be the warmth where there is none, upon arriving the said location of his father's current headquarter; you kept your avidity to convince yourself that you aren't nervous at all-nope nope!

Just breathe..

"Hey, dad!" And your senses sprung to reality as your boyfriend waves his hand for the attention to a distance. His dad, what you could assume, glances in alert as he courteously excuses himself with the person- perhaps, he was communicating to, presently approaching you both with a welcoming smile.

He smiles exactly like BoBoiBoy.

"Son," he pats your boyfriend's shoulder who closes his eyes while chuckling on the action. It wasn't that long for Amato to notice you, after all, this acquaintance has been settled and planned. He grins in diversion, "Y/n.. it's nice to you here. BoBoiBoy has been telling a lot about you, hm?"

you were intimidated, a bit, fiddling your fingers relentlessly as you tried to smile. For once, it felt speechless, "Nice.. to meet you too.."

And you felt BoBoiBoy holding your hand down as he notices your agitation, rubbing it in an easing comfort and delicately pulls your waist beside his, wrapping an arm around you. It was like an assurance that there's nothing to worry about, and that he's here for you.

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