😈LOV & Bakugou💥

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LOV & little Katsuki shenanigans. (CW: fair bit of swearing) Requested ❤

The LOV were the first to accept Katsuki's little side. It was a big determining factor on why he stayed 'kidnapped' by them all.

Plus, it had been years, the pro heroes called off their search a while ago. They figured since the LOV had suddenly stopped wreaking havoc around Japan, the feral student Bakugou must have had something to do with it. All were presumed dead.

They were only half right. Katsuki certainly did keep the LOV from continuing their path of villainy, only it wasn't by battle or a heart-to-heart speech.

He was just too babie. Too much for the LOV to handle while trying to take over the world (the same thing they did every night, pinky.)

Little Katsuki brought joy into their lives, a purpose to hide away from society to keep the little happy and safe.

Katsuki was supposed to be in Kurogiri's care that particular day. He was the best at taking care of the little. Katsuki even occasionally called him mama. But the little had grown tired of not having anyone to play with. All Kurogiri wanted to do was feed him and make him take a nap!

So he threw a tantrum and ran away so no one could catch him! Kurogiri obviously let him go but he didn't let Katsuki know that.

Kurogiri knew where he'd run to.

He was headed to his big brother Shigaraki's room.

The light blue-haired boy was sitting in his gamer chair in a dark room with only the bright glare of the computer screens set up against the far wall to navigate with.

It was a messy game set up, complete with lewd anime girls because big brother Shigaraki was gross like that.

Katsuki quickly shut the door behind him, so the hallway's light didn't bother the other boy. He mostly did it to be sneaky though.

Shigaraki noticed and sighed. "Go away, Kat."

Katsuki pouted as he dried his crocodile tears from his recent tantrum. Ignoring his big brother's demand and ran over to his bed. He ungracefully flopped down on it and searched for Shigaraki's beloved corgi stuffie.

It wasn't hard to find, since it was the only stuffie on his bed. Katsuki took it into his arms and hugged it carefully. He knew Shigaraki wouldn't mind him cuddling the stuffie. He threw a fit the first time but when Katsuki started crying he panicked and said it was okay as long as he was gentle.

Katsuki took the corgi stuffie with him as he made his way over to Shigaraki, who hadn't looked away from the computer screens once.

Katsuki watched for a bit. The game was gruesome, with lots of blood and gore, but he was used to that. Little Katsuki was actually the slightest bit more blood-thirsty than big Katsuki (at least when it came to games).

"What do you want, brat?"

Katsuki frowned at Shigaraki. His brother was in quite a grumpy mood. "Wanna play."

"Not right now. I'm busy." The frantic clicking and annoyed grunts were a tell-tale sign that he was losing. Not that Katsuki would know, he didn't know which screen to focus on.

"Wanna play now!" He repeated more aggressively (which was cuter than anything) as he thumped his frilly sock-clad foot.

It didn't phase Shigaraki in the slightest. Ignoring Katsuki in favour of speaking into his headset, clearly playing a game with a team of other online gamers.

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