❄Todo🔥Yama💫 part 2

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Todoroki attempts to make good decisions for Yuga only for it to blow back in his face with the little's brattiness. Pair Requested ❤

"I want more Papa!"

"You'll get sick little one, no more for now."

"But Papa!!! Je veux plus de petits gâteaux maintenant!!"

"You know I don't understand French, but whatever you said, my answer is no."

Yuga huffed, crossing his arms and stomping his foot like a disgruntled bunny. He puffed out his cheeks for good measure, hoping his caregiver would crack under pressure and let him eat one more cupcake.

After several episodes of stomach aches from too many sweets or too spicy foods, the caregiver in Todoroki finally broke out of his shell and started monitoring Yuga's meals. And while Yuga was normally grateful, he couldn't help but feel his brattiness coming on.

"You can have one after supper, but only if you stop fuzzing, okay?"


Despite his statement earlier, Todoroki was well versed with the word no in french, sternly saying, "Yuga."

"Papa." His little repeated in the same tone.

"That's it. Up we go." Todoroki had enough, crouching forward and throwing Yuga over his shoulder.

Yuga's confidence diminished as he squeaked, trying to hold on as Todoroki adjusted him on his shoulder so he could walk away from the dorm kitchen.

Once comfortable the blond beat his back and kicked his legs out, practically screaming the whole way back to his room

When they made it inside Yuga had ceased his struggle, now turning on the sad puppy eyes and fake sniffles in hope of making his caregiver not go through with what he was about to do.

It didn't work, Todoroki's expression was stern as he directed his little to the chair in the corner, facing the wall. "10 minutes. If you turn around or leave the corner 2 minutes get added on."

Yuga plopped into the chair with a huff, trying to act tough. Todoroki knew otherwise though, his little's shoulders slightly shook, which meant he was trying to reel in his tears.

Little Yuga hated time out. It's no surprise. Todoroki would have gotten rid of that punishment if it didn't work so well. Yuga always left timeout straightened out.

But Todoroki was not a cold caregiver, he tried to make his little's punishment more bearable. "Do you want Briar Rose to keep you company?"

Yuga didn't verbally answer him, still too mad to say a word, though he did stick a hand out behind him. His caregiver silently handed over the stuffed princess doll.

Yuga didn't look back once. His bottom stayed glued to the chair for almost the full ten minutes, but Todoroki could hear him start to whimper at minute three.

At minute eight his little one was sobbing so hard that Todoroki cut the last two minutes short. "Baby, you can come out now."

Yuga shot out of the chair so fast.

"Come here."

Yuga jumped into Todoroki's lap, his doll squishing in between their chests as Yuga wrapped his arms around Todoroki's neck and held on for dear life. "Papa! Je désolé!"

"Come again?"

"I sorry, papa!" His little repeated. Sparkly tears streamed down his face. Streaking the shimmer he decorated his cheeks with earlier.

"It's alright now, you're forgiven."  He pats Yuga's back as he waited for him to calm down.

It took a while because after Yuga got over his timeout, he had a new whiny/crying session about his makeup being ruined. The evidence being all over Todoroki's worn tee. As well as Yuga's glitter-stained sleeves.

Once Yuga's makeup was redone, and they both wore new clean clothes. The little's punishment was in the back of his mind as he decided to make his caregiver play knights & dragons.

Essentially, Yuga was the knight fighting to subdue the dragon (the self-drawn poster on the wall) in order to save the princess.

Can you guess who the princess got to be?

Not the princess doll if that was your first guess.

The messily made paper crown drooped down Todoroki's silky hair maybe a dozen times for the duration of Yuga's dramatic performance. Swinging a fake sparkling sword around the room, although with careful precision (he wasn't a heathen). Todoroki watched/supervised from the safety of the bed (castle tower).

Once the dragon at been defeated with bits and pieces of the poster strewn about the floor. Yuga dropped his sword and let his upper body collapse into Todoroki's arms. His knees remained on the floor as he latched onto his caregiver's arms. "Papa! I saved you!"

"You did little one. What a wonderful little knight you are."

"Vraiment?!" Yuga's eyes sparkled, much like the rest of him.

Todoroki disregarded Yuga's response ignorantly. Instead of busting out google translate like he wanted to, he rather hoisted the little up fully onto the bed and into his lap. "And as a token of my gratitude..." He pressed his lips to his little's shiny cheek, starting to pepper his face in little kisses. He enjoyed the little playful shrieks he received, followed by a wiggly noodled body trying to get away from his affection. "Papa!"

Todoroki smothered him a little more before letting him go. The little boy didn't go far though despite his previous efforts. The blond stayed in his caregiver's lap at arm's length. "Papa, for saving you, I deserve a reward."

"Were my kisses not rewarding enough?"

Yuga blushed, looking away. "J'aime bien ceux là aussi. Mais, je veux..."

"Love." Todoroki reminded him.

"Oops... sorry papa." He giggled, switching back to the language they shared. "I deserve another reward."

"Like what? Anything for my little saviour."


"Really," Todoroki confirmed.

He regretted saying that as Yuga's bratty smile appeared. "Cupcakes!"

Todoroki sighed. He walked right into that one.

What a clever bratty little he had.


980 words. A bit shorter than usual, but I figured it was better than nothing. Also, I'm really sorry requester you asked me for this years ago... I'll tag you anyway. Noa_0903

A minor update and explanation for my small disappearance. I applied to university, and I got in! I'll be starting in September so I'll be very busy from now on and probably won't update as much.

I'm very sorry to those who requested pairings that I never got around to writing. I'm still working on them I promise, I have a google doc comprised of all requests made since the very beginning.

Please be patient with me and I love you all!

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