Chapter 8 (I cant go on)

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"Beep!!!" I was awoken by my alarm clock. I got up brushed my teeth. Took a shower curled my hair and put make up on. I put on my leggings with my ugg boots and a black tank with a train on the back and wore an over coat. I sprayed on Perfume and grabbed my bag and my phone and headed to school. I wasn't looking forward to this day because of jack. I got out and I saw his black jeep. Great. I walked to my locker quickly and there he was at my locker. I opened it and he said "kenn are you serious?" I just put my stuff up and kept walking. He grabbed my arm and said "kenn I'm sorry! I love you do you understand me?" I said with tears in my eyes "jack let me go! Don't talk to me okay?" Jack gripped my arm tighter "kenn! I'm not fucking kidding. I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was thinking!" I said "let me go now! And your damn right. Didn't know what you were thinking Sure.okay? Lie to someone else." I yanked my arm away from his muscular hand and I walked away leaving him and a lot of students circled in the hall way.
I ran into Kendra on the way there. "Hey! Kenn! What's wrong?" Kendra asked "u-um nothing. Just trying to get through the halls." I stuttered. Kendra said "hey I'm here if you want to talk okay?" I replied "thanks Kendra." I nodded. I walked to my last hour and great... Jack was there.
I got there and sat down. It was the middle of class and I felt him staring I looked over and he had tears in his eyes. "Did I hurt him that bad?" I thought. But then I relized "nope.. Don't fall for it Kennedy! He hurt you! Stop it." I broke down in tears and mr.johnson asked me if I was alright I said "may I go to the restroom?" I ran to the bathroom and slid down the wall with my back on the wall. I cried. I went back to the class and told mr.johnson "I'm going to leave early." He said "okay Kennedy. See you tomorrow." I walked out the door an jack yelled and said "i-I uh gotta go too. Mr.johnson. I heard him and I took off running and then he caught me "kenn. Please forgive me. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." He kissed me and I hit him. "What the fuck jack?! Just get away from me." I jumped in my jeep and took off. I headed to my spot in the woods behind the clifs. I arrived at the clifs. I took off my clothes and I jumped into the water and took a swim for a while. I got tired and I got my clothes and got in my truck and drove home. I got to my door and there was a boquet of flowers. The note read "meet me at Iyogurt at 5:45pm if you want me back. If not then I guess we are done Kennedy. Love jack."
I let a tear escape. I went to take a shower and put on makeup fixed my hair and put on some red heels with a red dress that was strapless and short. I grabbed my phone and checked the time it was 5:30pm I left and got to Iyogurt and I saw jack. I sat down and he asked "kenn you want something?" I said "no thank you." Jack looked at me. I started to cry. He said "hey it's alright. C'mon let's go to my car." We walked outside. He looked at me "k-kenn. I love you. I was mad I don't know why. I'm sorry it will never happen again. I love you. I'm sorry baby girl." "Jack. I love you too. I'm sorry for leaving you." I said. He just pulled me into a tight embrace and he said "follow me to my house. I have a surprise." I got in my jeep and he got In his. I followed him and then we made it to his house and he ran upstairs to fix something and he told me to come up there an I did I walked in and there were rose pedals on the floor and candles and in the middle of his bed there was a basket of candy and chips and cookies and a box of pizza. "Jack! It's beautiful!" I said. He said "baby nothing can compare to your beauty." I kissed jack passionately and I didn't want to stop. Things were getting heated fast. I got off of him and layed down. We watched the purge and I fell asleep in jacks arms. I loved him a lot. He made me feel happy. Jack was the one. The one for me. Jack gilinsky was mine.

My first love and my last and my only. (A jack gilinsky fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now