Why did you do it? Are you crazy kennedy?

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Inawoke to the sound of jack and what sounded like Sammy yelling. I relized I wasn't in Sammy's arms anymore. I walked down stairs and jack was yelling at Sammy. I step in and say "jack leave him alone." Jack looks at me "baby! I'm sorry!" I look at him and say "well I am too." He looked at me and said "did you fuck Sammy?" I looked at him and said "no. I'm sorry that I ever daited you." He said "Kennedy we need to talk." I said "well let's get talking motherfucker." He looks at me and Sammy grabs my hand jack says "Sammy stay away from her she's my girlfriend alright?" Sammy yelled at him and said "girlfriend? Really? Did you think that when you were all on Leah?" Jack frowned. "Exactly." Sammy mumbled. I turned and walked with Sammy he hugged me and kissed me on the check I smiled. "I love you Sammy." I said he said "I love you." We stood like that for a while. Then Sammy lasted me if I wanted to go with him to the board walk to ride rides. I agreed. We left at 5:30pm and didn't get home till 12:50pm. He held my hand as we walked home. He lifted my arm in confusion he saw my cuts and asked me "Kennedy! Why did you do it? Are you crazy?" I laughed and said "no. I have a reason. Let's sit here." We sat on the bench outside of the condo. I said "well before I moved to Omaha. I met a guy his name jasper."

"Well I met jasper when my brother came over. But he had a gf then (November 2014) so I added him on Facebook and I started to like him. So after 3 months of liking him I told him. I told him when he went to New Mexico. So he told me and I quote "keep your head up girl. And I promise when I get back I'll talk to to you alright?" So he came back and he didn't want to talk about it but I brought it up. Then we got waaaay to comfortable we were calling each other and being on the phone for 3hrs and 30mins. then he asked me to go on a date with him and I said yes. So we planned on it but my brother wouldn't let him go because my brother didn't want him around me. So it was just me and my cousin there. And see my brother and his gf broke up and my brother came home. So once my cousin dropped me off I walked inside to see all my brothers standing there and my mom my dad and my other bros gf. So they all when to the casino except for my bros gf and my little brother. So my mom was in my room and I told her I said "call me crazy but I love that boy!" She just looked at me and hugged me and said "you'll be okay. Every thing will be okay!" I cried and everyone walked out the door and my brother that came home said "bye jasper lover!" Idk why I took that to the heart but I did. So he left and I called jasper drunk and I said "no one gets it. I'm inlove with you. They just fuck everything up for me." The. He told me "listen all it is is that they don't wanna see you happy. But I promise that we will still hang out. I love you."
I started crying an he said "hey? Stop cryin you'll be okay." Then he said "I'm coming over your not okay!" He sounded like he was gonna cry. So he came over and I was outside at the park in the parking lot. So I talked to my bros gf cause they lived together. So we talked and I said I need a hug! And she gave me one and I said another but not from you. So he gave me a hug and I started to cry and he said "there's nothing to cry about." I said "yes there is. You don't get it I never thought I'd get to hug you." Then I whispered "I love you" then I cried even harder. Then he said "I promise as long as I'm around you'll be fine. I love you too." Then I let go. Then we got realllly suuuuuuper comfortable to where he became my valentine and he said he would kiss me. And then he got kicked out so he moved and Nicole's bf was being really childish and I ended up self Harming. Because before I met jasper I selfharmed everyday but then he brought out the best in me. He made me feel alive. He made me feel loved. But now I've went back to self harming and I'm not who everyone thinks I am at back in Omaha but there's my story sammy." He looked amazed and said "Kennedy. I'm sorry." I said "it's okay sammy." Then I did the unthinkable. I kissed Sammy.

My first love and my last and my only. (A jack gilinsky fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now