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"That's not even the worst part-" Mike started, the whole group of teenagers sat around him, listening intently to the crazy story Mike was telling them, "My cousin said that the clown shifts into whatever you're afraid of!" Oos and ahs filled the room as Mike told them that.

"What drugs is your cousin on, and where can I get them?" Dustin asked. The group laughed. Will giggled a bit, he wasn't intoxicated like the others, so this was enjoyable to watch. Not that Will even liked alcohol, he usually just held it to hold it. Will loved Mike's enthusiasm when he told stories.

"No, it was for real. A whole group of like.. seven kids saw it! Hell, my cousin saw it and he's blinder than.. a blind man!" Mike said enthusiastically as the kids in the room burst into laughter.

"What's your cousin's name again?" El asked.

"Richie, or as he likes to call himself, Richie 'Trashmouth' Tozier." Mike started, "What a stupid name."

"What about the rest of Richie's friends?" Lucas asked.

"Well he doesn't really tell me what they're like, he only tells me about the one he's obviously in love with, but I don't know." Mike said before he made a face as if he said too much. Will already knew what Mike was talking about, and didn't really like the idea of a tipsy Mike outing his cousin at a party full of other tipsy teenagers.

"Guys, we should play a game." Will suddenly said perking up.

"Like what?" Max asked.

"We should play Uno!" Dustin kind of yelled. Cheers of agreement came from the 30-something kids that were in the room. Will saw this as an opportunity to leave the loudest room in the house at the moment. He quickly got up as everyone scrambled to get a spot at the table for Uno. Will went upstairs, going into one of the rooms that wasn't currently occupied. He threw his drink away in the trashcan of the room and sat on the bed. Will needed a minute to rest his mind a bit, which was impossible when Mike was right next to him talking, and talking, and talking. He heard the door open and looked up. And of course, it was Mike.

"Hii." Mike said closing the door behind him and sitting on the bed. Will sighed.

"What?" Will asked tiredly.

"Well I saw you run up here and I wanted to know if you were okay." Mike said.

"I'm fine, just a bit tired." Will responded.

"Why'd you cut off my story?" Mike asked.

"Don't you think it's a bit wrong to tell everyone your cousins in love with a guy? Didn't he tell you he didn't really want you telling anyone?" Will responded.

"That's true. Then, thank you, for stopping me." Mike said. "You always stop me from doing stupid things."

"It's no problem, I probably just get it from my mom." Will responded. Mike chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, she's the best." Mike started, he fell back on the bed. "Just like you, my bestest friend."

"Jeez you're already basically drunk," Will started, "now I'm gonna have to stay here and take care of you."

"Thats what friends are for, Will." Mike said as he awkwardly patted Will's shoulder. Will smiled.

"Are you gonna.. go back out there?" He asked.

"Not without you." Mike replied standing up and grabbing Will's hands, trying to pull him up.

"Mikeee, I don't want toooo." Will said, resisting Mikes pull on him.

"Can't we just go dance or something? Everyone else is playing Uno." Mike asked.

"Will you stop pulling me please?" Will asked. Mike smirked.

"No!" Mike said before pulling really hard, making both of the boys fall. Laughter erupted from the two boys as Will rolled off of Mike. Mike stood up first, and helped Will up.

"Fine, just one song, that's it." Will said as Mike pulled him towards the door.

"Don't worry. I'll make you stay for more." Mike said as he opened the door and pulled a reluctant Will Byers downstairs. To Will's surprise, there was barely anyone there, everyone was down in the basement playing or watching Uno. Just as they went to the main room, "Love Shack" by The B-52's started playing. "Oo! Oo! Oo! I love this song!" Mike said.

"Isn't this song about an orgy?" Will asked as Mike pulled him into the middle of the pretty much empty room.

"Yep! Isn't that cool?" Mike said as he began moving Will's hands to the beat of the song. Will giggled a bit. As much as Will didn't want to admit it, dancing with Mike was a lot of fun, he has so much energy and moves you along with him. He'll randomly say "Woo!" or he'd encourage Will's bad dancing. It made all of Will's worries go away, and Will appreciated Mike for that most of all. These last 5 years hadn't been pretty, but Will could see that Mike was trying to make the most of it. Sometimes Will would even forget all the trauma when he was with Mike, and when they were both just forgetting about everything and just trying to have fun. Mike was the main part of that, and Will knew it too. They danced for about an hour until everyone started coming upstairs with looks of defeat. Max ran upstairs clutching twenty dollars in her hand and smiling, El following behind her cheering. Lucas and Dustin came upstairs after her, looking more defeated than anyone.

"There's no way she won against everyone that easily." Lucas said to Dustin as they both walked toward Mike and Will.

"She definitely cheated." Dustin said as they stopped in front of Mike and Will.

"Did not!" El and Max yelled from the kitchen.

"You guys okay?" Will asked.

"We both lost ten dollars." Dustin said shamefully.

"We bet her that she couldn't win." Lucas added.

"Oh grow up, you guys know how good she is at games." Mike said.

"Yeah I guess we should've seen it coming." Lucas responded. Mike suddenly grabbed his head.

"Hey, Will?" Mike asked. Will furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Can we go sit outside? I'm a bit lightheaded and I need some air." Mike responded.

"Sure." Will replied. Mike grabbed Will's arm, pulling him around like he always did. Dustin and Lucas watched as they walked away, before turning towards the kitchen to talk to Max and El.

To be continued..

Hope you all enjoy this new fanfic.

I really needed some new byler content so i made more lmao.

anyways enjoy

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