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As they drove to the theater, Will was very confused about how El was acting right now. The other night she seemed fine, but he figured that it was because she wasn't near Mike. Usually when they went on breaks, she would be super quiet and awkward if Mike was there. Will thought that was how it was going to be today, but they were acting like best friends. They were talking to each other and laughing and having fun, and Will was glad, but it was weird. He figured that maybe something else was going on, either that or she was pretending. Will shrugged it off as they arrived at the movie theater. When they went into the theater, they saw all of their friends waiting for them, except for Darren.

"Hey, guys." Mike said as they walked up to the group. Max hugged El excitedly, before they both got into a conversation about how good the movie was going to be. Mike thought about the thing El told him, and looked at Lucas, who knew nothing. He sighed. "Where's Darren?"

"Probably just running late." Dustin replied.

"Yeah probably." Lucas added. Mike nodded. And just as if they had summoned him, Darren came walking up to them, a short girl hanging onto his arm.

"My mom said she'd take away my TV privileges for a month if I didn't bring her." He started, "This is my little sister, Dani." Dani peaked her head up at the group of teenagers.

"Well, hi, Dani." Dustin said, kneeling down to her height. She smiled at him.

"Who are you?" She asked. She had to be about 7 or 8, about the same age as Holly.

"Dustin." He said holding out his hand, "Pleasure to meet you." She scrunched her nose in confusion.

"Dusty?" She asked. Everyone laughed a bit.

"Sure." Dustin replied. Dani laughed as she grabbed onto Dustin's arm, hanging on him. Dustin had always been good with kids, so this didn't really shock the rest of the group.

"Alright, well should we head in?" Lucas asked. Everyone nodded in agreement. They all went and got their tickets before getting some snacks and drinks. Then they all sat down in their designated theater. Darren sat next to Will, Mike sat in between Will and El, Max sat in between El and Lucas, and Dani sat in between Lucas and Dustin. Dustin was telling her corny jokes as Darren watched in disbelief. His sister was actually behaving.

"How do you do that?" Darren asked from down the row.

"Do what?" Dustin asked.

"Make her just.. listen." Darren replied.

"I have a gift." Dustin responded smiling. Darren nodded in confusion as he reached his hand into a bucket of popcorn. Will laughed a bit before looking at Mike, who was looking at screen. He looked away as he thought about yesterday. He figured he should bring it up after a few seconds of thinking about it. Will looked at Mike awkwardly before turning and whispering to him.

"What were you gonna tell me yesterday?" He asked. Mike turned to him.

"What do you mean?" He responded.

"You went 'I think..' and then my mom walked in." Will replied.

"Oh! That.. it's not important." Mike said. Will nodded.

"Was everything okay when you went home?" Will asked.

"Yeah, my mom was worried, my sister was happy to see me, and my dad didn't say anything." Mike replied. Will nodded as Mike looked away, a sad look appearing on his face. Will looked down a bit before speaking.

"You know.. it was fun dancing with you." Will said, changing the subject. Mike smiled as he looked at Will.

"Really?" Mike responded.

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