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Mike looked at Will as they got closer to the car.

"Did you have fun?" Will asked suddenly, his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, I did. Tons of fun." Mike replied. Will smiled a bit.

"That's good." Will responded.

"Did you?" Mike asked. Will thought for a bit before nodding. Mike nodded back as they got into the car, Will now sitting in the front with Mike. They were both quiet as Mike drove out of the cafe's parking lot, Will looking out of the window as Mike took occasional glances at him. Will noticed this.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Oh.. yeah, I am." Mike replied, "I was just thinking about.. how much fun I had dancing with you."

"Dancing with you is always a fun time as well." Will responded. Mike smirked a bit.

"Is singing with me fun too?" Mike asked. Will smiled.

"No, absolutely not." Will replied. They both laughed a bit. "Actually.. it was." Mike looked over at Will for a second, who still was looking out of the window.

"Really?" Mike asked.

"Yeah.. other than your.. horrid singing.." Will started, Mike laughing a bit, "I enjoyed it."

"Yeah.. until things got awkward and I went home." Mike responded. Will looked at him.

"It's seriously fine, Mike.. you're fun to hang out with." Will said. Mike nodded.

"Thanks." Mike responded. "Would you.. like to sing with me again?"

"No, absolutely not." Will replied, laughing a bit. Mike smiled as he began singing the first song he could think of. Being that he was wearing a Queen band tee, that first song was a pretty obvious choice.

"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?~" Mike sang very dramatically as Will laughed a bit. "Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality~"

"Mike, please shut-" Will started, laughing before Mike interrupted him.

"Open your eyes, look up to the skies and seeeee~" Mike sang, before stopping and laughing with Will.

"Terrible." Will said. Mike smiled as he pulled down him and Will's street.

"You love it." Mike responded. It was silent for a bit as they just smiled at each other. Mike parked the car in front of the Hopper-Byers house, before they sat there for a second.

"Okay.. well I'm gonna go.." Will said as he began to get out of the car.

"Bye.." Mike said. Will waved a bit as he closed the door. Mike sat there thinking for a bit before he got out of his car and quickly walked up to Will who was now standing at his door, about to unlock it. "Will, wait." Will stopped and turned to him.

"Yeah?" He asked. Mike thought for a moment.

"Can I stay over?" Mike responded, "If.. it's okay with you?"

"Oh.. um- sure!" Will replied with a light smile. Mike smiled back.

"Cool." Mike responded. Will unlocked the door and they both went inside, closing the door behind them. They both took off their shoes and put them by the front door.

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