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Will hadn't slept all night. He just laid in bed crying. He didn't know what to do. He did know one thing, he had to pretend like nothing was wrong in front of everyone else. So that's what he did the whole Saturday, and the next Sunday morning. He now sat in the living room next to El, the both of them reading a magazine as Hopper and Joyce laughed at "Roseanne" playing on the TV. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, ruining the whole atmosphere. Joyce got up to answer as El and Will looked away from the magazine they were focusing on. Joyce opened the door to see Karen Wheeler, who was looking a bit alarmed to say the least. Will had honestly forgot the Wheelers came back today. Him and El pretended to continue reading the magazine, secretly listening in.

"Oh hi, Karen! How was your trip?" Joyce asked.

"Oh, it was great, but uh.." Karen started, "Something.. alarming was brought to my attention." Hopper perked up when she said that. He got up and made his way to the door, standing next to Joyce.

"Alarming? How so?" He asked.

"Do you know if anything happened at our house on Friday?" Karen asked. Will and El's eyes widened as they looked at each other.

"No um.. we weren't home. Friday's date night." Joyce responded.

"Oh well, Mike had a party. Can you believe that?" Karen said. Joyce's eyes widened as Hopper looked at the two sitting on the couch, both of them frozen.

"Did he now?" Hopper asked.

"Yeah, one of the neighbors called. There was loud music, and I didn't even realize until i looked around that most of our liquor and Ted's beer was missing." Karen started, "Not to mention that there were footprints on my coffee table." Joyce and Hopper looked in disbelief at El and Will, who both looked like they had just seen a car accident.

"Footprints? On your coffee table?" Joyce responded in shock.

"Yeah! Now I knew Mike was being suspicious but oh my goodness." Karen started, "He also had another party the Friday before. Can you believe that?"

"Interesting." Hopper said crossing his arms.

"Did you punish Mike?" Joyce asked.

"He's grounded for a month." Karen responded. "Anyways, sorry for bothering you, I just wanted to see if you knew about it."

"Oh, no. It's no problem at all!" Joyce said smiling.

"Okay, well toodles!" Karen said as she began to leave. Joyce and Hopper waved before closing the door. The room was in utter silence.

"So, you guys go to this party?" Hopper asked. "Who am I kidding, of course you did, that's why Mike had it on Friday right?"

"We didn't drink a thing. We were simply there to make sure the people who did drink didn't kill themselves." El responded. Will just nodded along.

"So? You still went!" Hopper said.

"Oh come on, Jim. We smoked and drank and went to parties in high school." Joyce responded.

"I don't want them to turn out like that!" Hopper said pointing at El and Will.

"They won't. They said they didn't drink anything, which I honestly believe because they're both picky eaters." Joyce reassured Hopper. Hopper looked at the guilty pair who were just frantically nodding their heads. Hopper sighed.

"Fine. But please just let us know next time." He said giving in.

"We will. We promise. Right, El?" Will said frantically. El nodded. Hopper and Joyce sat down on the couch and continued watching TV. El and Will just smiled at each other in relief.

Will woke up extremely anxious the next morning, he was even considering faking sick just so he wouldn't have to see Mike. But he also knew how overprotective his mom was so he wasn't going to do that. It didn't help that Mike walked with him and El to school. El and Will were waiting for Mike outside with their book bags as these thoughts raced through Will's mind.

"How do I look, Will? Be honest." El said showing off her whole outfit to him. He snapped out of it.

"You look great, okay? Stop worrying." Will responded smiling. El smiled in return.

"Thanks. Just making sure." She said. Suddenly Mike came quickly walking across the road toward El and Will. Will tried his best to act as normal as he could. Mike stopped in front of El and Will.

"I swear to God, El, I'm gonna beat Lucas's ass when we get to school." Mike said angrily. He looked at Will. "Hi, Will." Will awkwardly waved.

"It's not that big of a deal, Mike." El said as the three began walking.

"Yes it is! I warned him. I warned him! And now I'm in trouble. I knew I would get in trouble!" Mike said, "That's how she knew for sure that I had a party. He's so lucky I blacked out before he fell off the table, I would've made his pain worse. Actually, he's lucky I didn't tell my mom it was him!"

"Yeah, yeah. You still had the party though so it's still your fault you're in trouble." El responded.

"Whatever." Mike said. "Now I'm only allowed to go to school and home. That's it."

"Again, your fault." El responded.

"Well you're no help at all." Mike said, "Will, you're more quiet than usual, what's up?" Will looked up at Mike, who was staring at him. He wasn't able to say a word.

"Maybe it's because you're talking so much." El replied.

"Shut it." Mike said, annoyed.

"No, we almost got in trouble because of you." El started, "Dad wasn't happy when he heard alcohol was involved, we're lucky mom- I mean Joyce.. wait can I call her mom, Will?"

"She said you could and I don't care really." Will replied smiling. El smiled back.

"Okay," El looked back at Mike, "we're lucky our mom was there to talk him out of it."

"Well if you and Max didn't hype Lucas up-" Mike started before El interrupted him.

"Oh, so you're blaming me and Max now?" El asked. Mike just sighed.

"Whatever, you're so annoying." Mike said. El got an angry look on her face.

"Fine." El responded. She locked arms with Will and began walking faster away from Mike. Mike stood there in disbelief.

"Now you're stealing my best friend? Really?" He yelled.

"He's my brother!" El yelled back. Mike sighed as he walked behind the two.

"El, don't mind him, you aren't annoying he's just mad." Will said.

"Yeah, I know. But silent treatment always works." El responded.

"El, I didn't mean it!" Mike yelled behind them. El and Will laughed quietly.

To be continued..

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