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Will, El, and Max walked across the street to Mike's house after getting ready. Max and El helped Will pick out an outfit, and Will let them because he knew they'd have fun doing it. They picked out a brown Nike sweater his mom had gotten him for Christmas, and light brown khaki pants. He just wore his usual Converses with it. It was casual, and Will was glad it was because he didn't like bringing so much attention on himself. They were free to go since Jopper's, as the party called them, date nights are always Friday night.

There were already a lot of kids at the party, some in the front yard, people dancing in the main room, people downstairs playing beer pong, and people in the backyard just trying to get away from the noise. There was no one really upstairs, people were drinking on the stairs but that was about it. Suddenly a familiar face ran up to them.

"Hey Will, hey ladies. You guys want drinks?" Dustin asked frantically. They all just kind of nodded. "Great." Dustin ran to the kitchen as all three of them looked at each other and laughed.

"Do you see Mike anywhere?" El asked the other two.

"If anything him and Lucas are downstairs playing beer pong." Will said. El gave a worried look to Max before the both of them went downstairs. Will just went towards the kitchen and sat at the island. Dustin turned around to see him.

"Hey, where'd the girls go?" Dustin asked.

"Downstairs. Probably to yell at Lucas and Mike." Will replied as Dustin handed him a Coke.

"I remembered that you don't like beer or anything like that. Me neither. That's why I'm the designated bartender." Dustin said proudly.

"Well, that's a good thing to put on your college resumé." Will responded. They both laughed.

"Hey speaking of, where are you going to college?" Dustin asked.

"Don't know. Probably somewhere far away from here." Will replied.

"I bet we could get into Harvard." Dustin responded. Will smiled.

"Possibly. I've applied for every school my mom thinks I can get into and that was one of them." He said. "But I was also thinking maybe an art school."

"You're good at art so that makes sense." Dustin said. Will and Dustin continued talking for the next hour and half, randomly talking to other people that came up to them. Until Lucas suddenly came running up the stairs with Max chasing after him, Mike chasing her, and El chasing him. Dustin and Will watched as Lucas lost the rest of them by running outside and then running back in, though Max was close behind him. Lucas went up to Will.

"Will, you gotta help me." Lucas said, before suddenly looking towards the main room, screaming, and running away.

"What the hell?" Dustin responded. Suddenly Max came running into the kitchen. She stopped at Will and Dustin.

"Where'd he go?" Max asked. Will and Dustin pointed at the back door. "Thanks." She continued running out the door. Mike ran in after that, and he stopped at Will and Dustin out of breath.

"Do you guys know where Max went? She's trying to kill Lucas." Mike asked. Will and Dustin pointed at the back door. "Thanks. Also hi, Will!" Mike said before running out the door.

"Hi?" Will said as he just looked at Dustin in confusion. El came walking in out of breath.

"I'm not chasing them anymore." El said as she sat down next to Will.

"What's going on anyways?" Dustin asked as he handed El a drink.

"He made fun of Saved by the Bell." El started before taking a drink, "That's her favorite show. So now she's trying to kill him, and Mike is now drunkingly trying to save him." El, Will, and Dustin heard a loud scream outside.

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