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Will and Mike walked over to El and Max when they got inside, who were watching as Dustin and Lucas argued near the table full of presents.

"My present is definitely better." Dustin said.

"Oh please. What did you do? Make him a robot?" Lucas asked.

"What did you do? Make him a card?" Dustin responded. Max rolled her eyes as El giggled next to her.

"I'm sure both of your presents are great." Max said.

"Yeah, but my present is better." Dustin responded, crossing his arms. Lucas rolled his eyes as he turned to Mike and Will.

"Can one of you get him to shut up?" Lucas asked. Mike and Will just stared at him, both kind of upset still over what just happened in Mike's car.

"Maybe I can." Darren said suddenly from next to the group. They all turned to look at him.

"Happy birthday, dude!" Dustin said as he pulled him in for a big hug. Max and El joined the hug as Lucas still stood there, arms crossed.

"Happy birthday!" Lucas said as the three pulled away, a big smile now on his face.

"Thanks, guys." Darren responded with a smile as he turned to look at Will and Mike. "Will! Love the eyeliner."

"Thanks." Will responded. Darren nodded before pulling the two in for a hug.

"I didn't know what get you so here's fifty dollars." Mike started as they pulled away from the hug, pulling the money out of his pocket. "I stole it from my dad, but he won't notice."

"All gifts are appreciated, Mike." Darren responded, quickly taking the money and putting it in his pocket. Mike nodded before turning to Lucas.

"Dude, can we... talk?" He asked. Lucas gave him a confused look.

"About what?" Lucas asked. Mike sighed as he grabbed his arm, leading him upstairs. Darren turned to Will, who was just silently standing there, looking down a bit.

"Okay... I sense tension." He started as he locked arms with Will, beginning to walk them to the kitchen where Dustin now was. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." Will responded, looking down a bit as Darren looked through the fridge.

"You don't drink right?" Darren asked. Will nodded. "Okay. Anyways, I can tell something is up... so?" He handed Will a Sprite before grabbing a beer for himself. Will sighed.

"It's nothing... I'm sure it'll be fine." Will started, "I'll give him some time and talk to him later."

"Did you guys get into a fight?" Darren asked. Will shook his head.

"Not exactly." Will replied. Darren sighed.

"Well.. whatever it is I'm sure you two will get over it." Darren responded. Will sighed.

"I hope so." Will said as he opened his Sprite and took a sip. He didn't even care about what Mike did, he was just worried about him. Especially because he knew the reason Mike lashed out was most likely due to frustration. He sighed a bit as he and Darren sat near Dustin, watching as Max and El danced.


"I don't know what to do, man. I didn't want him to worry about me, but now he's probably even more worried.." Mike said as he paced back and forth in what he assumed was Darren's room.

"Well... He said it was fine.. right?" Lucas asked, sitting on Darren's bed.

"Yeah, but that's the thing. He's way too forgiving. And he's good at lying about how he feels so people don't get hurt, and that's probably what he's doing right now." Mike started, now standing in front of Lucas, "I shouldn't have yelled at him."

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