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Will woke up to the sun outlining Mike's face. Will smiled a bit as he stared at him for a few seconds, admiring every detail of his face. He carefully untangled himself from Mike, trying his best not to wake him up, before going to the bathroom and brushing his teeth. He made his way downstairs, hearing the sound of cooking. He peaked his head into the kitchen, seeing a short lady at the stove. She turned around, spotting him. She looked as though she could be Max's older sister, bearing quite the resemblance to her. He stood there awkwardly for a second as she stared at him.

"I.. don't believe we've met.." The lady said. "Are you one of the two boys Stephen said showed up last night for Jay's funeral?" Will nodded awkwardly.

"Yeah... I'm one of them." Will responded.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you... want some breakfast?" She asked. Before Will could even answer, she was plating a pancake for him and placing it on the island in the middle of the kitchen that was aligned with chairs. She pointed at the seat in front of it before turning to the stove. Will awkwardly sat down as she plated her pancake before sitting in front of him. "I'm Wanda, you?"

"Will." Will replied as she handed him a fork.

"Another W name, fun!" She said. She was way too awake for it being 8 in the morning. "Who's the other boy?"

"Mike, he's uh... Jay's nephew." Will responded, picking at his pancake with his fork. Wanda nodded.

"I see... why'd you come with him?" Wanda asked.

"He's my boyfriend... I couldn't let him go through this alone." Will replied. Wanda smiled a bit.

"Ah, I remember being in love like that when I was young.. memories." Wanda responded.

"What were they like?" Will asked.

"She was amazing. She was captain of the girl's basketball team, and I was this.. cheerleader on the sidelines.. didn't end well, but I treasured our time together." Wanda replied. Will was intrigued now.

"What happened?" Will asked before taking a bite of his pancake.

"My parents found out, kicked me out. Never saw her again.. and ended up here." Wanda replied.

"That's horrible... I'm sorry." Will responded. Wanda nodded a bit before shrugging.

"I'm over it.. she's married to some guy now." Wanda said before turning to the fridge and grabbing some maple syrup from the fridge. "Want some?" Will nodded before she put some onto his pancakes.

"So.. how long have you been here?" Will asked as she put some syrup onto her pancakes as well.

"About nine years." Wanda replied. Will nodded as he took a bite of his pancake. 

"That's a while." Will responded. Wanda laughed a bit. A laugh that kind of reminded him of his mom's laugh. He sighed a bit.

"You okay?" Wanda asked. Will looked up at her.

"Kinda.. my family wasn't home when I left so I kind of left without saying goodbye... I feel like my mom might be worried." Will replied. Wanda nodded.

"You're homesick." Wanda started, "Would you like to maybe try and call your mom?" Will shook his head.

"Not right now.. besides I'm sure someone found my note." Will responded. Wanda nodded.

"Well.. when your boyfriend wakes up, I'll see if he wants to make a call. You guys can use the phone anytime." Wanda said. Will nodded.

"Thanks." Will responded. Wanda nodded with a light smile. Will looked down as he took the last bite of his pancake. "Well... I'm gonna try to wake him up." Wanda nodded.

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