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Mike sighed anxiously as he stood at the door of the Hopper-Byers house. He took a deep breath before knocking. He waited patiently as someone opened the door. Hopper. Mike looked down a bit. Just his luck right?

"What do you want?" Hopper asked.

"Is El home?" Mike responded. Hopper nodded as he moved out of the way, letting Mike in. It was the next morning after the party, and Mike knew he had to clear things up with El, as well as make sure she was okay. He headed upstairs and knocked on El's door.

"Who is it?" El asked. Mike looked down a bit.

"Mike." He replied. It was silent. Then the door opened.

"Hi." El said, standing there in her pajamas.

"Can we talk?" Mike asked.

"I think that's.. the best decision." El replied. Mike nodded as he entered her room. El closed the door behind him as he crossed his arms.

"I'm.. so sorry." Mike started, "I should've told you the truth... I should've talked to you."

"Mike, it's okay." El responded. Mike shook his head.

"No, it's not. You don't deserve this... You've always deserved way better than me, and- and I'm a liar." Mike said. El just stood there, listening. "El.. what I'm trying to say is... it's not your fault. You're a wonderful girl... I'm just.." He trailed off, looking down a bit.

"Mike... it's okay... I wasn't being honest either.." El started, "I love you... but I don't 'love' love you... Is that how you feel?" Mike looked up, eyes wide.

"That's.. exactly how I feel.." Mike started, "So.. we're on the same page?" El smiled.

"Yeah, I um... I have feelings for someone else.." El responded. Mike's eyes widened. "And I thought that if I dated someone who loved me, I could get over the other person.. but that just wasn't possible."

"I get what you mean." Mike started. El nodded as Mike smiled. "Jeez, I was so worried this was gonna end badly."

"Me too. That's why I didn't say anything." El responded. They both laughed a bit. "So.. is there anyone you're in love with?" El asked as she went and sat on her bed, Mike following.

"Actually.. that's what I was going to tell you.." Mike started, before taking a deep breath. He figured he might as well tell her. Out of anybody, he knew she was one of the few people he could tell. "I.. I've discovered.. that I like guys."

"Really?" El asked with an excited look on her face.

"Yeah. I guess.. for the longest time I couldn't tell the difference between platonic and romantic feelings.. and once I realized the difference I was like 'oh, shit'." Mike replied. El smiled widely.

"That's so cool." El started, "I'm really happy you told me."

"It actually.. does feel relieving." Mike responded, laughing a bit nervously. El laughed a bit before pulling Mike in for a hug. Mike hugged her back, a rush of relief going through him. "So.. friends?" El pulled away.

"Friends." El replied. Mike smiled. "Wow.. we should've had this conversation way earlier."

"Yeah, I know right." Mike responded. They both laughed a bit. "So.. are we still on for prom? You know as just friends?"

"Of course." El replied with a laugh. Mike smiled with a nod. "So.. is there a boy that you like?"

"Take a wild guess." Mike responded. El
thought for a second.

"I'm gonna need a hint." She said. Mike laughed a bit.

"Okay um.. he.. lives here." Mike responded. El's eyes widened.

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