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After a few minutes of awkward silence, they both finished their drinks and threw the cups away. They got back into the car in silence before Will looked at his watch and a panicked look came across his face.

"Shit." Will started, "It's almost past my curfew." Mike looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Really?" He asked. Will sighed.

"Eleven thirty." He replied. Mike thought to himself a bit.

"Would you.. be in trouble if you crashed at my place?" Mike asked. Will looked at Mike before sighing.

"I guess I have no choice." He replied. Will started the car as Mike watched in silence before sighing.

"Okay." Mike responded. Will looked at him before pulling out of the parking lot of the gas station. "You know where Nancy's is, right?"

"Yeah, I do." Will replied. "It's only a few minutes away, right?" Mike nodded. It was silent for a few minutes as Will just drove. Mike looked at him before sighing.

"Will... I'm really sorry." He said, breaking the silence.

"It's fine, Mike.. I'm sorry too." He responded.

"Don't be.. I'm the one who started things." Mike said. Will sighed a bit.

"Can we just.. not talk about it?" He asked.

"..Okay." Mike replied with a slight nod before looking out of the window again. Will glanced at him before continuing to drive in silence. After a few minutes, they were at the house. Will helped Mike get his boxes before they put them in Mike's room. Will looked around as Mike put his bag on top of his desk. "You can.. borrow some clothes if you'd like, and you can sleep in the guest room." Will turned his attention to Mike before nodding.

"Sure." He responded. Mike nodded before heading to his closet and searching for some clothes he could give Will. "Do you like it here?" Mike looked at Will for a few seconds before nodding.

"Yeah, it's pretty nice." Mike replied. He grabbed a t-shirt and some shorts before handing them to Will. "There should be an extra toothbrush in the bathroom when you're done." Will nodded before standing there for a few seconds and sighing.

"Thanks... I'm gonna call El and let her know I'm staying here." Will responded. Mike nodded before Will headed to the guest room and put the clothes Mike had given him on the bed. He then went to the living room to use the phone. He dialed the number before waiting. He heard someone answering the phone, and heard some giggles before an answer.

"Hello?" El said pretty happily.

"It's Will." He responded.

"Oh, where are you?" El asked.

"I'm gonna stay over at Mike's.. just wanted to let you know." Will replied.

"Really?" El asked. Will sighed.

"Yeah.. really." Will started, "Why were you laughing earlier?"

"Oh, me and Max are having a sleepover, remember?" El responded.

"Oh, yeah.. forgot about that." Will replied.

"Why are you staying over at Mike's?" El asked.

"He.. sort of saw his mom.. I wanted to be there for him." Will replied kind of quietly.

"Oh.. that must have been hard." El responded. Will looked down a bit.

"Yeah.." Will trailed off.

"Well.. good luck, Will." El started, "Maybe... this is a good opportunity for both of you to open up." Will thought a bit. They had already done too much of that.

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