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Mike laid down beside Will, leaning on his elbow as he dried his hair with a towel. Will was doing the same. He looked at Will before slightly smiling.

"Did you uh.. have a nice shower?" Mike asked, putting his towel down. Will nodded.

"Yeah, I did." Will responded. "Did you?"

"Yup." Mike said. Will smiled a bit before putting his towel down as well.

"So.. how'd I do?" Will asked. Mike smiled softly as he stared at Will, admiring every feature of him.

"Amazing." Mike responded as his hand made its way to Will's waist, sliding his hand slightly under the shirt Will had just put on. Will smirked a bit before moving so he was over Mike's face.

"Yeah?" He asked. Mike nodded as Will leaned closer to him.

"Yeah." He replied, before meeting Will halfway and connecting their lips. They both smiled as they pulled away from each other, Will's hand under Mike's shirt as he traced along his side with his hand.

"You were.. incredible too." Will whispered a bit, making Mike's face turn a bit red.

"R-really?" Mike asked. Will smiled with a nod.

"Mhm." He replied before kissing Mike on the forehead. Mike stared at him for a few seconds, taking in every feature of Will's face. His eyes were sparkling, and there was a smile forming on the lips that he had kissed too many times to count.

"You're gorgeous." Mike breathed out, "Like.. incredibly so." Will smiled softly.

"And you're stunning, Mike Wheeler." Will responded. Mike smiled softly as Will laid down next to him. "I'm... very tired now though."

"Me too." Mike responded. They both laughed a bit before looking at each other and smiling. Will turned off the nightstand on his side of the bed that they had left on before looking at Mike.

"Can you... hold me?" He asked. Mike smiled before nodding.

"Of course." He replied. Will turned away with a smile as Mike wrapped his arms around him. Will put his hand on top of Mike's arm, rubbing his thumb over his skin.

"Mike?" Will said suddenly.

"Yeah?" Mike responded. Will looked down a bit.

"I um... I know tomorrow is going to be hard for you.. and I just want to let you know that I'm here. I'll always be here. Always." Will said. Mike nodded with a slight frown.

"Thank you." Mike whispered. Will nodded.

"Of course." He responded.

"I'm so lucky to have you." Mike said as tears filled his eyes a bit.

"Same here." Will said as he lightly grabbed Mike's hand, lifting it and kissing it.

"I love you. I love you a lot, Will." Mike responded.

"I love you too.. more than anything." Will said with a soft smile. Mike smiled before pressing a kiss onto the back of Will's neck.

"Night, Will." He whispered.

"Night, Mike." Will responded. Will and Mike closed their eyes, the happiness of everything that just happened lingering, but also a sense of dread for what was to come the next day. Mike felt it more than either of them, the feeling of not wanting this happiness to come to an end. The feeling of wishing it could just last forever, and that there would be no forthcoming pain.


Max sat in her room, listening to music and thinking. She wasn't even tired though it was nearing 3 a.m. She sighed as she got out of her bed and headed out of her room. She grabbed her skateboard before leaving her house, her headphones still on as she began skating down the road. She continued to skate, time feeling like nothing. She stopped when she suddenly realized she had made her way to El's house. She stood there for a second, staring at the door she could very well walk up to, before shifting her attention to El's window. The lights were on, and she watched as El passed the window, holding random things in her arms. She smiled a bit. El was awake too. She figured she was most likely reorganizing because sometimes El just liked fresh starts. It was so like her to be doing this right now. She sighed shakily as she looked away, her breath hitching a bit. She frowned before continuing to skate. She skated for what felt like half an hour before she noticed someone familiar. Sitting on a curb, drink in hand. Nancy. The apartment complex that was behind her was obvious too, it was where Robin and Steve lived. Max stopped, which caught Nancy's attention.

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