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Mike walked into his house quietly at around 6 a.m., trying not to wake anyone up. He slowly closed the door behind him before trying to quietly sneak up the stairs.

"Stop right there." He heard someone say. He rolled his eyes as he stopped where he was. The living room light turned on as his mom appeared from the living room, crossing her arms. "And where have you been?"

"A friend's house." Mike mumbled.

"Which friend?" Karen asked.

"Can't tell you." Mike replied. Karen sighed.

"Mike, you need to stop doing this. You've barely been home these past few days." Karen responded.

"Maybe because I don't want to be." Mike mumbled. Karen sighed.

"Mike, we were worried." Karen started, "What if something happened to you?"

"Nothing happened." Mike responded.

"But what if it did?" Karen asked. Mike stood there for a second as Karen eyed him.

"Then.. sucks I guess." Mike responded as he began to go up the stairs. That's when Karen noticed his hand.

"What happened to your hand?" Karen asked in a concerned tone. Mike stopped.

"What do you mean?" Mike asked.

"Your hand, its all bandaged." Karen replied.

"None of your business." Mike responded.

"Jesus, Mike." Karen started, "Please just talk to me."

"I don't want to." Mike said as he began to go up the stairs again. Karen went after him.

"Mike, tell me what happened to your hand or else I'll tell your father about this." Karen started, Mike stopped. "And trust me, you won't have a fun time. I've been covering for you all day and all night. If you don't tell me he'll find out the truth." Mike sighed.

"I.. punched the counter at the movie theater.." Mike started, "Repeatedly."

"Mike, why would you do that? What if you broke your hand or something?" Karen asked.

"Well, I didn't so.. can you please just leave me the hell alone?" Mike asked.

"You do not speak to me that way." Karen said in an angry tone. Mike sighed.

"I know.. I'm sorry." Mike responded. "I just want to be left alone." Karen sighed as she looked at Mike, who was just standing there holding himself. She tapped her foot.

"Okay.. well good night." Karen started, "..We'll talk about this tomorrow." Mike nodded.

"Okay." He responded. Karen nodded as she went downstairs. Mike stood there for a second before going into his room. He closed the door behind him and just stood there, looking around his room. He looked out of the window at the house across the street. Will's bedroom light was on, meaning he was awake. Mike smiled softly before he turned on his lights and going to his desk, grabbing an unused notebook from one of the drawers. He then began writing.


Will continued to organize his room as he listened to the radio. He moved his stuffed animals back onto the end of his bed, as "Always Something There to Remind Me" by Naked Eyes played on the radio. Will mouthed the lyrics as they played.

"When there is always something there to remind me
Always something there to remind me
I was born to love her and I will never be free
You'll always be a part of me"

Suddenly he heard the phone ring from downstairs. He turned off his radio and went downstairs, figuring he might as well answer it.

"Hopper-Byers residence." He said after he picked up the phone.

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