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Will sighed as he entered his house, taking off his shoes before taking a deep breath. He thought about his conversation with his manager, how he said he was going to talk to Brody, and how that was the very last thing he wanted. He heard the faint sound of music playing upstairs, which he could only assume was El doing her weekly room reorganizing. He ran his hands through his hair a bit before he heard the phone ring. He stared at the phone a bit before walking up to it and picking it up.

"Hello?" Will said as he answered.

"Hey, bud. It's Jonathan." He heard the familiar voice of his brother respond. Will smiled a bit.

"Oh, hi, Jonathan.. how are you?" He said a bit quietly. He didn't know why he was hopeful that it would be someone else, someone he had been waiting to hear from. He knew deep down that it wasn't, and he hated the fact that he even considered it.

"I'm good.. you sound tired." Jonathan responded. Will sighed.

"Just got off of work... you know how it is." Will said.

"Yeah.. speaking of getting off, me and Nance are off of school tomorrow, so we're coming to visit. You know, since it's a Friday we figured we'd take some time to finally see our friends, and families and such for the weekend." Jonathan responded.

"Sounds good.. want me to let mom know? Or is it a surprise?" Will asked. He heard him laugh a bit over the phone.

"Nah... Nah just tell her, I don't wanna stress her out." Jonathan replied. Will laughed a bit.

"Yeah.. is that all?" Will asked. He heard a sigh.

"No. Um... I heard about the whole.. situation with Mike." Jonathan started. Will felt himself start to tense up a bit. "How are you... how are you doing?" Will sighed.

"I'm alright.. has Nance heard anything from him?" Will asked. Jonathan sighed.

"Yeah.. she just did, he just called." Jonathan replied. Will nodded to himself, a frown forming on his face.

"Oh." He responded, looking down a bit.

"Don't worry.. he's only called her like four times in the past four months." Jonathan responded. Will sighed.

"No, no. I get it. That's his sister, you know?" Will started, "I'd call you or El over him any day." He heard a sigh, almost as if Jonathan didn't believe him.

"Yeah, I just... I don't want this to hurt you or make you.. I don't know." Jonathan said. Will sighed.

"I'm not fragile, Jonathan." Will responded.

"I know that.. I know. I just care about you a lot." Jonathan said.

"I know that.. and I do too." Will responded.

"Yeah. And I'm sure Mike does too, you know?" Jonathan said reassuringly. Will sighed, looking down a bit. As much as he tried to believe that, and as much as he was sure it was true, he almost wanted to make himself think it wasn't.

"Anyways.. can't wait to see you guys." Will responded, trying to change the subject. He heard a sigh.

"Will." Jonathan said. Will tapped his foot a bit.

"I know.. and I'm sure he does care about me, but I just.. kind of want to move on." Will responded.

"That's fair, and if that's what you want.. I'm here for it." Jonathan started before taking a breath, "I just don't want you to try and do that if you aren't ready.. because then you could feel overwhelmed, and it could make things worse." Will leaned on the wall next to the phone with a sigh.

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