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Mike knocked on the door of Robin and Steve's apartment, Will holding his hand as Dustin, Lucas, and Darren stood behind them. The door opened after a few seconds, Steve looking very annoyed.

"Oh God, Rob, Nance, there's more of them!" Steve yelled. Mike's eyebrows furrowed a bit as Steve let them in before making his way to a room down the hall.

"Nance.. as in your sister?" Dustin asked Mike. Mike looked at him.

"Wait... Mike's sister is here too?" Darren added.

"What is she doing here..?" Mike whispered to himself. Suddenly a door opened, Steve and Robin emerging from it. Robin stopped in front of the boys, eyes wide.

"Wow... I thought Steve was exaggerating.. a bunch of boys in suits." Robin said.

"Hi, Robin." Dustin responded. Robin waved before she looked at Darren.

"Who's this?" She asked.

"This is Darren." Lucas replied. Darren gave a slight wave before Robin turned to Mike.

"Darren as in.. the one you were jealous of?" She asked.

"What.." Darren responded. Mike's eyes widened.

"Nothing." Mike started, "That's not the point right now."

"Yeah um.. where's El?" Will asked. Before Robin could answer, Nancy came from a room down the hall, her face dropping when she saw Mike. Will quickly let go of Mike's hand before she noticed.

"Hi, Nancy!" Dustin said with a light smile.

"Yeah, hi Nance!" Lucas said waving. Nancy awkwardly smiled back with a slight wave before turning back to look at Mike.

"El's in there." Robin said to Will, pointing to the room Nancy just came out of. Will nodded before starting towards the room, Mike watching as he left before turning back to Nancy.

"Listen, you guys need to make this quick because I have a date showing up here in 15 minutes." Steve said as he walked up to the four boys.

"A date?" Dustin said with wide eyes. Steve turned to him.

"Don't mock me, Henderson." He responded. Dustin, Lucas, and Darren laughed a bit as Mike continued to stare at Nancy in confusion.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. Nancy sighed before turning to Robin.

"I need to talk to Mike.. privately." She said. Robin nodded awkwardly before Nancy grabbed Mike's arm and led him to a room, Robin, Steve, and the other three boys watching.


Will sighed as he knocked on the door before slowly opening it. He saw El, laying back on what he assumed was Robin's bed, her face red and makeup messed up. She turned to look at him.

"Hi." He said with a frown as he walked in, sitting on the edge of the bed. El sat up, wiping her eyes.

"How did.. you find me?" El asked. Will shrugged.

"Pressed redial and ended up here." He replied. El laughed a bit. "Are you okay?"

"Far from it.. apart from the whole Emily situation I.." El started, "I messed up, Will. I messed up so bad." Will furrowed his eyebrows a bit as more tears fell down her face.

"What happened?" He asked in a soft tone.

"I um... I told Max everything I was feeling. Including the fact that I love her." El replied. Will frowned a bit, watching as El started to break down a bit more. He quickly pulled her in for a hug. "Are.. are you okay?" She stuttered out. Will sighed.

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