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Four Months Later

"Here's your receipt." Will said as he handed the lady her receipt.

"A smile would be nice." The lady mumbled. Will just nodded, not even offering the smile she so desperately wanted. He looked outside, crossing his arms. It was almost October, and the autumn cold was already becoming too much. Will hated the cold. He sighed as more people came into the clothing store he was now working at. Steve had convinced a friend to help get him a job since he was an assistant manager there so Will could start saving up for college. It wasn't the best job in the world, but it paid. He looked at his watch, which seemed to go slower and slower the more he looked at it. That was all these past four months had felt. Slow.

"Byers, can you put these clothes on the rack?" His manager said, coming up to him with a rack of clothes. Will nodded as he got the rack and began rolling it to the women's section, being that dresses were the first thing on the rack. He put a dress on the rack, then the same type of dress in different sizes on the rack about seven more times. He spaced out as he did it, the repetitive movements stuck in his mind. Every day was starting to feel the same. He frowned as the tune for a certain song started playing. He tried his best to ignore it.

"I wanted to be with you alone
And talk about the weather"

Will sighed. Everything made him think about him. About Mike, who hadn't sent a letter or made a phone call to Will since they separated on the train. Will felt himself start to get more frustrated, speeding up the pace of his routine.

"Excuse me?" A lady with a familiar voice said as she tapped Will's shoulder. Will's eyes widened as he recognized the voice. He turned to her.

"Mrs. Wheeler?" He responded. Karen's eyes widened a bit.

"Will? Hey! You work here?" Karen asked. Will just slightly nodded.

"Yeah.. saving up for college." He replied, turning to the rack again and continuing his work. He didn't want to talk to her right now. Karen nodded with a smile.

"That's nice.. do you know where the high heels are?" Karen asked. Will nodded as he pointed toward the back.

"Far left corner." Will replied. Karen nodded.

"Thank you.." She started as she began to turn away. She stopped herself, turning back to Will. "Hey uh.. have you heard from Mike.. recently?" Will looked down a bit, stopping what he was doing before just slightly shaking his head.

"No... I haven't." Will replied. Karen sighed looking down a bit.

"Sorry.. um.. if you do can you let him know that I miss him?" Karen asked. Will sighed before nodding. "Thank you." Karen stood there for a few seconds before sighing and walking away. Will just stared at the dresses in front of him.

"Ah, don't take my heart, don't break my heart
Don't, don't, don't throw it away"

He sighed shakily as he continued to put the dresses on the rack, before moving to a different aisle.

Will yawned a bit as he walked into his house at around 10 p.m. He closed the door behind him before taking off his jacket and hanging it on the coat rack. El was sitting on the couch, watching an episode of "Full House." Will told her multiple times already she didn't have to wait for him to come home, but she still did anyway.

"How was work?" El asked Will before laughing at something Uncle Jesse said.

"Same as every day." Will replied, sitting on the couch next to her. El nodded.

"Hey um.. tomorrow me, Max, Lucas, and Darren are going out.. sort of on an inconspicuous double date type situation." El started, "And I was wondering since you were off if you wanted to come?" Will looked at her before sighing.

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