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Will noticed all day that Mike wasn't acting himself. On the walk to school he wasn't trying to talk to him and he wasn't talking to El, he was just walking in front of them in silence. Then in first period when Darren asked him what was wrong, he didn't go off on Darren like he usually would, he just assured him that he was fine. After class, Will quickly pulled Darren by the hand and out of class with him. He then pulled Darren into the bathroom as Darren looked at him in confusion.

"So.. whats up?" Darren asked as Will turned toward him, letting go of his hand.

"Does Mike seem kind of off to you?" Will asked.

"Well, he isn't as lively as he usually is." Darren replied.

"But usually he'd get mad at you for even talking to him." Will responded.

"Actually we made up yesterday." Darren said with a proud smile.

"Really?" Will responded.

"Well.. he just seemed upset that you were ignoring him.. and I figured out that he thought it was because of me." Darren replied.

"Darren. You know why I'm ignoring him." Will said.

"Yeah, but.. look, he misses you, okay?" Darren started, "He said you barely talk to him and he has no idea why. It's obvious he just wants your attention, and maybe he just wants to know why you're being so awkward." Will looked down a bit.

"Do you think that's why he's been a bit moody today?" Will responded.

"Could be, but who knows?" Darren started, "I don't think he's acting this way because of you. Could there be something you might know that could've pissed him off? Like something at home or..?"

"Well, his dad's kind of an asshole, though he doesn't do much." Will started, "Nothing he says makes him act like this though."

"Maybe his dad went way out of line?" Darren responded.

"Could have." Will said.

"You know.. I'm sure he'd tell you if you asked him." Darren responded.

"What?" Will said.

"It's a good opening, you know, this could fix stuff between you two. Maybe you talking to him might cheer him up a bit." Darren started.

"I guess you're right.. I'll try." Will responded.

"Well, I'm gonna go to class, but good luck." Darren said as he left the bathroom. Will thought for a moment before leaving and going to his next class.

In fourth period, a class Will and Mike had together, the teacher didn't show up, so the class was instructed to use it as a study hall. Being that it was a class full of high schoolers, no one listened, and everyone began talking. Will thought that maybe this was a good opportunity to start talking to Mike. He looked over at Mike, who was sitting next to him, his arms crossed, looking blankly at the front of the room.

"Mike?" Will said suddenly, interrupting Mike's thoughts. He looked over at Will.

"Hm?" Mike responded.

"Are.. you okay?" Will asked. Mike looked down a bit.

"Are we suddenly talking?" Mike asked. "I'm fine."

"No you're not. I can tell." Will replied scooting his desk a bit closer to Mike's.

"Why do you suddenly care?" Mike asked.

"I've always cared, Mike. I've just had a lot going on lately and I'm sorry." Will replied, "I just want to help you." Mike looked at Will.

"I just want you to talk to me." Mike responded, the tears starting to form in his eyes now evident. He quickly wiped them away. "That's all I want. I mean we've been friends for twelve years and you suddenly barely talk to me.. I honestly just want to know what I did wrong."

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