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Mike pulled up to a very familiar parking lot, and Will's face lit up when he realized what it was. Mike stopped the bike and they both got off. Seeing the excited look on Will's face made Mike smile.

"Surprise!" Mike said as he locked his bike on the bike rack. Will looked at the neon bright sign that read "Hawkins Skating Rink" as his heart beat with excitement. Him and Mike used to go here all the time when they were little, back when it was really popular. It wasn't as popular now because of the newer skating rink that opened up, but it was a Mike and Will's favorite.

"Holy shit." Will said smiling.

"They close at 10 and I was thinking it'd be a fun way to spend the rest of your birthday." Mike said as him and Will began walking towards the entrance. Will smiled and nodded, honestly speechless at all the thought put into this. They both got their skates from the very tired looking worker, who seemingly got payed to nap, but Mike and Will didn't judge, it was actually pretty smart considering not many people came here. And sure enough, at 8:30 at night, they were the only ones there. It still looked the same as when they were kids, and that's what Will loved about it. Mike and Will both skated around, singing songs that would come on such as "I'm Still Standing" by Elton John and "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen. When they got tired of singing they just talked and laughed together. It made all of Will's anxiousness and worry go away, a soft feeling replacing it when the led lights illuminated Mike's face.

"This is just as fun as when we were eight." Mike said.

"Yeah, even almost ten years later." Will responded. Mike smiled a bit, the song that was currently playing being "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel. They skated over to the railing, deciding to take a break. They both leaned on it as they continued talking.

"So did you have a good birthday?" Mike asked. Will thought about it.

"Yeah, it was actually pretty good." He started, "Finally seventeen now. That's exciting I guess."

"I can't believe I'm older than you, you're so much more mature." Mike responded. Will giggled.

"I'm not that mature, I still play D&D and I still do childish things, if you look at that you're way more mature than me." He responded.

"No, I mean, you always know when the right time to say stuff is, and when it's not the right time. I never know when." Mike started, "You're also an incredibly honest person." Will froze as he looked at Mike, his smile beaming back at him.

"I'm not that honest, I don't tell you everything, Michael." Will responded.

"Wait, really?" Mike asked, "What secrets are you hiding from me, Byers?"

"Just ones that you don't need to know." Will replied, smiling. Mike softly smiled back before his face lit up.

"Oh! I know! We can play like a 5 questions game!" Mike said overly excited.

"What are the rules?" Will asked.

"You ask me five questions and I just have to answer them as truthfully as possible." Mike started, "The only rule is that I have to ask you the same questions you asked me, and you have to answer them truthfully as well."

"So basically I chose the questions?" Will asked.

"Yeah. You up for it?" Mike asked.

"Sure." Will replied. Mike smiled as they both decided to go to one of the tables near the skating rink and sit down. They sat across from each other as Will began to think of what questions to ask.

"You ready?" Mike asked. Will looked up and nodded.

"Let's see.. What is.. your favorite song?" Will asked.

"Starting off easy, that's good." Mike started before he thought about it, "Hmmm probably.. 'Don't You Want Me.' You know the one that goes 'don't you want me, baby? Don't you want me? Ohhh!'" Will began laughing as Mike sang the song terribly. Mike joined in before Will started talking again.

"Yeah I know what you mean." Will replied still laughing a bit.

"Okay, next question." Mike responded excitedly. Will thought about it.

"What is your.. biggest regret?" Will asked. Mike thought about it.

"Do you remember that day.. when El broke up with me and you wanted to play D&D, but me and Lucas were being totally jerky towards you, and then we had that fight.. that's my biggest regret." Mike said. Will looked down a bit. He hadn't totally forgotten about him and Mike's argument, and as much as he tried not to he'd always think about it somehow.

"That's your biggest regret? Why?" Will asked.

"..This won't count as one if your questions just because I actually do want to explain." Mike said.

"Thanks." Will responded. Mike sighed before speaking.

"It's because you went out in the rain and destroyed something that I knew meant a lot to you.." Mike started, "I also never really said sorry.. to your face at least. And I am extremely sorry about it."

"I forgave you guys a long time ago." Will said. Mike smiled.

"You know I didn't mean anything that I said that night." Mike said.

"I know." Will responded, "Okay, let's change the subject, next question."

"Alright." Mike said smiling. Will thought about it.

"If you could go anywhere in the world.. where would you go?" Will asked. Mike thought about it.

"Probably somewhere really cool like New York." Mike answered.

"Yeah that would be cool." Will responded.

"Hey, maybe we can go together someday." Mike said smiling. Will smirked while looking down.

"Okay, next question, favorite singer?" Will asked.

"Oh come on, you know this!" Mike replied.

"I can't think of any interesting questions." Will said giggling.

"Ugh, fine. Freddie Mercury." Mike responded, "But you already knew that."

"Yeah, I did." Will said smiling. Mike smiled back before Will asked the last question, "Who.. do you like hanging out with the most?" Will asked. He couldn't really think of any questions he didn't already know the answer to.

"You, obviously." Mike answered. Will's eyes widened in shock. It really was not the answer he was expecting.

"Wait, seriously?" Will responded. Mike smiled.

"I mean yeah, you understand me more than anyone." He said. Will thought for a moment, but before he could say anything, something else caught Mike's interest. A new song being played, "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper. "Oh my gosh, didn't they play this song at that dance, what was it called?"

"The Snowball?" Will replied.

"Yeah." Mike responded, his smile kind of faded, but then he smiled again. Will always found it weird how Mike's emotions could change so fast. Mike scrambled to take off his skates, not even bothering to put back on his shoes, and just staying in his socks. The first lyric of the song playing as he did so.

"Lying in my bed, I hear the clock tick and think of you."

"What are you doing?" Will asked.

"You up for a dance, Byers?" Mike asked, smiling.

"Caught up in circles, confusion is nothing new."

Will could feel his heart beating faster, and without even saying a word, he began to take off his skates.

To be continued..

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