19~ Dinner with the Fam

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As we finish the salads, Scott and Rick come into the house. "Boys, come and help set the table," Connie shouts to them. I hear them chuckle. "Okay ma," Scott says, playfully, entering the kitchen. Rick follows close behind. "What time is the girls getting here?" Rick asks, reaching in the cabinet and withdrawing a stack of napkins. "Around Six," Connie says, following Scott out of the kitchen. Scott lays out the placemats as Connie follows and places salads on every mat. "Mitch, honey, can you grab the silverware?" She asks me. I nod. Rick places the napkins on each of the placemats and Connie takes the last of the salads into the dining room. I look around the cupboards. "Looking for something?" I hear a quiet voice ask. I turn and smile. Scott is leaning in the doorway of the kitchen. "Silverware. Do you know where it's at?" I ask. He strolls closer to me, his hands in his pockets. I can't help but feel nervous. Our eyes lock and he smirks. He leans down, looking into the cupboard. I trace his body with my eyes. His build, his form, his ass... He stands up and turns to me with a bundle of silverware in his hand like a bouquet. "Careful, they're sharp," He whispers, huskily, handing me the bundle. He looks down at me with dark eyes. My bottom against the cabinets. I have nowhere to move, but it's not like I want to. I gulp and heat rises to my cheeks. What is he trying to do? Has he been acting like this the whole time and I haven't noticed until now? Is it because I'm listening and focusing more on what he's saying? He steps back, with a smirk, and then walks out of the kitchen. I take deep breaths, slowing my rapid heartbeat. "Mitch? Are you coming with the silverware?" Connie asks from the dining room. I look down at my hand full of silverware and join them in the other room.

After the table is completely set, we all sit down. Rick and Connie take the ends of the rectangular dining table and Scott and I sit together on the one side. Two seats are vacant across from us, reserved for Scott's sisters. We all eat our salads in silence. It's a nice type of quiet but it feels awkward to break it. "So Mitch, I already heard enough from Scott, what have you been up to lately?" Rick asks, holding his fork midway to his mouth. "I've been working for a Stock Broking company for several years now but, recently, I haven't done much." I say, taking the napkin off of my lap and wiping my mouth. "How is your cat?" Connie asks, bringing her drink to her lips. I look from Rick to her. "Good, I think..." I say looking to Scott who is rising from his chair. He holds out his hand, gesturing to my empty bowl. "You want me to get that?" He asks. I smile and nod. "Yes, please," I say as he takes the bowl and walks into the kitchen. I wish he didn't leave me alone. Now I am one, bright, light in my face away from an interrogation. "So are you 'with' anybody?" Rick suddenly asks. My eyes widen and a deep blush develops on my cheeks. "Rick!" Connie exclaims. I put up my hand to her and cough slightly. "No, Mrs. Hoying, it's okay," I say, looking back at him briefly. "Nope. I'm still single," I respond to him awkwardly, trying to disguise the annoyance in my voice. I wonder why he asked. It is quiet funny that he left out the gender factor. He probably still doesn't know I'm Gay. Everyone else does or just assumes. They must see that I'm slightly uncomfortable because soon the table is quiet again until Scott returns.

The rest of the evening goes by smoothly, surprisingly. When Scott's sisters arrive and they ate we begin to talk more and play some board games. Again, as I watch Scott's family interact, I feel happy. His friends, his family, and I so grateful that he is home. By the end of the night, after we say are good nights and farewells, we climb into the car. I am exhausted. I look over at Scott as I fasten my seatbelt. "That was fun," I say, breaking the quiet. He watches me with a smile. "It really was. I'm glad you came," He says. I twist the key and place my hands on the wheel. "Me too," I respond.


A/N: I am sorry that this chapter took a long time to publish, I have just been so busy lately and I am trying my hardest to fit in 'writing time'. Thank you to everyone reading, voting, and commenting (you are the best XD) and please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions. Thank you for Reading. :)

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