10~ Performance

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Kirstie holds Anna in her arms as Jeremy feeds Kirstie a piece of the muffin they are sharing. Scott scoots into the booth and I crawl in beside him. We all, quietly, talk over our drinks for a few moments until the lights are dimmed slightly. Kevin comes with a plate of some type of pie and a cup of, what appears to be, tea. The curtains of the small stage roll open and a bright spotlight shines on the man on stage. The man who sits on a stool, with a guitar balanced on his knee, and a microphone mounted next to him. The man who is Avi. His hair is still the same length since the last time I saw him, about three months ago, and his beard has grown a little longer. Our table applauds when we see him. He looks in our direction and squints from the light shining on him. He smiles when he sees all of us. He takes the mic in his hand and leans it closer to his mouth. "Thank you," his deep voice booms. He looks around the, pretty, busy cafe. "How about a big hand for Mr. Scott Hoying who has just returned from the Army..." he says, gesturing to our table with his free hand. The cafe-goers all applaud and then they become quiet again. "Now here is a special song for this surprising visit from some of the people I love the most and haven't seen for a long while..." he says. Then he strums a few cords and begins singing a sweet song with his deep, smooth, voice. We all watch with smiles on our faces as he continues to sing. Scott looks down at me with bright eyes. I rock back and forth with the song and look up at him giggling.

Avi performs several songs and in the end he rises from the stool, with his guitar in hand, and takes a bow. Our table claps and cheers along with the other customers of the cafe. He stands after the bow as the cafe quiets down. Everyone soon goes back to their small conversation as Avi walks off of the stage and comes to our table. "Hey Scotty," His deep voice bellows as he stretches a hand out to Scott. Scott sets his latte on the table and extends his hand to Avi's. They slap each other's hands in synchronization as they do the handshake they created along time ago. I scoot closer to Scott and Kevin scoots closer to me as we make room for Avi. Avi joins us in the booth and sets his guitar beside him. "It's great to see you," He says. Scott smiles. "I'm happy to see everyone again. It's awesome," Scott says looking around the table. I place my palms in my lap and lean back in the seat so I am not in the way.

The quiet conversation carries on back and forth across the table as Scott visits with everyone. I remain quiet as Kevin tells Scott about how he went back to college to continue for his degree. Everyone listens intently but I'm not there. I'm there physically, but my mind is elsewhere. I think about Scott and the events that happened so far. Seeing him back here happy and comfortable... smiling. I smile to myself. "Wow, it's getting late," Avi yawns. Kirstie nods in agreement, looking down at the sleeping baby. We all begin to rise and clean up our trash. Jeremy holds out Kirstie's coat, helping her put it on. Avi slides the strap from his guitar over his shoulder as he and Kevin laugh at a joke he told. I climb out of the booth as Scott follows behind me. I clutch my latte in my free hand as I clutch my sweater with the other. Our group begins walking towards the door. "We definitely need to get together again," Kirstie begins as her and Jeremy walk beside us. Kevin, Avi, and Scott nod in agreement.

After Kevin waves to us and begins walking away towards his car and Jeremy and Kirstie bid Scott, Avi, and I farewell and stroll to their car. Avi turns to Scott and smiles. "I'm glad to see you back buddy," He says nudging him in the shoulder. Scott smiles. "Ditto," he says with a chuckle. We talk outside of the cafe for a few moments before Avi says his goodbye and heads into the cafe. Scott and I walk to the car and head home.

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