13~ Let Me Show You

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My ball hits the lane and rolls slowly... into the gutter. I blush. Scott and Kevin both laugh behind me. I spin around. "Nice one, babe." Scott teases. "I'm sorry I haven't bowled in a long time." I say, defensively. He stands up. "Then let me show you." He says, walking towards me. I look up at him, puzzled. "What?" I squeak. He looks down at me and points to my ball in the ball return. "Pick up your ball, I'm going to help you." He says. I look up at him with a raised eyebrow and then tuck my fingers into the holes and lift the ball. "I don't see why we can't just get bumpers..." I say. He laughs but I'm being serious. He walks to the edge of the lane with the tips of his shoes just barely behind the line. He turns towards me with an outstretched hand, gesturing for me to come forward. I walk slowly towards him with the ball in hand. When I reach him he takes my shoulders and positions me in the place he was once standing. "Put the ball in your hand that you bowl with." He begins, stepping behind me. I place the ball into my left hand. He takes my left wrist into his large hand, I feel his strong chest against my back. He bends down slightly so his mouth is by my ear. "The key is to keep your arm straight and try not to swing it around too much," He whispers, pulling my arm back and forth. His voice makes me shiver. He smells of the cologne he always used to wear before he left. The smell that is comforting. "Now pull your arm back and, when you swing it forward, release the ball." He says as he does so. He pulls my arm back and swings it forward, guiding me, as I release the ball. The ball rolls quickly down the middle of the lane. Scott stands up straight and places his free hand on my shoulder, the other hand still around my wrist. The ball hits the middle pin and soon all of the pins are down. "You did it Mitch! You got a spare!" Scott exclaims. "We did it!" I exclaim, turning around and wrapping my arms around his back. He laughs and wraps his arms around me. "Well isn't that adorable..." Avi says, walking back to our seats. We turn towards him. He has a large pizza balanced on one hand and a pitcher of beer in the other. Scott and I release each other and walk towards Avi. Kevin rises and walks over to Avi, taking the pizza from his hand and placing it on the table. "Plates, napkins, cups?" Kevin asks. Avi looks at him. "Sorry. I ran out of arms," he says, sarcastically. "Ooh, right." Kevin chuckles, walking over to the snack bar.

Shortly after; Kevin, Scott, Avi, and I are seated around the small table. Scott sips a beer as Avi eats the slice of supreme pizza. I watch from my seat as Kevin observes his pizza closely. "What cha doin', Kev?" I ask. He smiles at me. "That extra large p, some pepperoni with the parmesan cheese, anchovies-" He begins to rap, pointing down at the slice. I giggle. "We are ninjas," Scott chuckles. "So what did you guys do yesterday?" Avi asks, sipping his beer. "We just stayed home and chilled, nothing too exciting." Scott says softly. Avi looks at me and nods. "What are you planning to do tomorrow?" Kevin says with a chunk of pizza in his cheek.  I look over at Scott who raises the plastic cup to his lips and shrugs. I purse my lips and think to myself. "The beach?" I say, aloud. All eyes shift to me. "Yeah, the beach," I state again, nodding. "The beach?" Avi asks, surprised.  "It's September." Kevin says, slowly. "So?" I ask, looking between the both of them. "Wouldn't it be a little cold?" Avi asks. I throw my arms up and shrug. "It shouldn't be that cold. It is California," Scott states. Avi chuckles.  "You two have fun with that," he says, bringing the cup to his lips. "We will," I sass back. Kevin laughs and Avi chuckles. I look over at Scott, who smiles at me brightly when I look over at him.

At the end of the night we finished the beer and pizza, bowled the two frames, and returned our shoes. "I am the champion, my friends," Avi bellows, goofily, as we walk towards the parking lot. I giggle and shiver slightly, the air has a bit of a bite to it. I look up at Scott as he walks beside me. He looks down at me and drapes his arm over my shoulder. "Don't worry I'll keep you warm," he whispers. I smile gratefully and shiver again, this time from his words. "And I'll keep on fighting 'til the end..." He continues his post victory ballad. Kevin, who walks beside Avi with his thumbs hooked in his pockets, begins to beat box along with Avi's song. "I am the champion," Avi sings as he turns around to face us. "I am the champion," He continues, throwing his arms up. "No time for losers," He exclaims, pointing to me and Scott as he continues to walk backwards.  I roll my eyes and Scott laughs. "Cause I am the Champion..." He pauses. "OF THE WORLD" he finishes. Kevin's improvised percussion comes to a close and I begin to applaud. Avi and Kevin stop walking, since we reached their car. "Brava!" I mock, continuing my slow clap. Avi takes a playful bow. "Maybe next time your twenty minute rendition/ boast could be cut down to ten," I sarcastically suggest. Avi laughs. "Maybe," He shrugs. Kevin laughs and claps Avi on the back. "Good job Champ," He says. "You beat us at bowling," Scott adds. Avi laughs. "Hey, it was a fair game..." Avi jokes. I giggle and roll my eyes. "Well I guess it's time to call it a night, but I had fun," Kevin says. Scott nods. "I hope we can get together one last time before you leave," Avi says. I nod. "Yes. We definitely will." I respond. We all exchange hugs and handshakes and soon we are back in the car on the road heading home.


A/N:  As a continuation of Chapter Twelve I had a lot of fun with this. Just kind of visualizing the guys hanging out and doing something fun makes me smile. I hope you enjoyed it too. Please leave any comments or reviews and, as always, Thank You for reading :)

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