29~ My life, My everything

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As we walk up to Terminal B-3 I feel a huge knot in my throat. The earlier events of this morning only a distant memory. I clutch his hand tighter than ever and I cannot help but have a heavy heart. He defends our country, he protects us, yet I don't want to let him go. He fights battles for us everyday, yet I am selfish and I want to keep him. Keep him with me to fight my battles, to protect me. We stop and turn to face each other. I look up at his handsome face. His blonde hair a little longer, his chiseled chin now clean shaven, and his blue eyes filled with tears. I feel the warm tears gather in my eyes and I look down at the floor. "I guess this is the end," I rasp, looking back up at him. Tears begin to run down his cheeks. He drops his bags and I throw my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around my back. He holds me tightly as we cry into our embrace. "I-I don't want y-you to leave, eve-r." I sob. He holds me tighter but doesn't say anything. "Th-this past week felt like a-a millennium," I whisper. He nods. "B-but it's over n-now and you a-are leaving," I cry into his chest. "I know Mitchy." He whispers through the tears, caressing my back. He is my rock. He continues to hold me until we both stopped crying. I step back and sniff back tears. "Now you have tear stains all over your uniform," I say, laughing lightly. He snivels and smiles at me. I run my fingertips over the embroidered name on his camo jacket. I slide my hand down and my fingers brush against something in his breast pocket. I flip back the top and reach inside of the breast pocket. I remove a folded up piece of white printer paper. When I see the paper I look up at him. Tears begin to fill my eyes again. "Terminal B-3, Now Boarding," the woman by the desk says. I look back down at the paper with blurry vision and unfold it with shaky fingers. On the paper is the scribbled words, 'Mr. Hoying', in the best writing the old Mitch Grassi could make out at three in the morning. I feel a tear drip from my eye and land on the paper as I fold it back into a small square. I look back up into the bloodshot eyes of Scott and step towards him, quickly. I wrap my arms around his neck once more but this time I slam my lips to his. I stand on my tip toes as our warm lips press together, sending shivers down my spine like it was the first time all over again. Scott wraps his arms around me and lifts me off of my feet. "Terminal B-3, Now Boarding," the woman repeats. We continue to lock lips. This sign of affection making me feel more alive than I have ever felt before. Resurrecting me. I pull my lips away, and press my forehead to his, Scott continues to hold me. "I love you no matter what you do, no matter where you go, you are my life..." I whisper. "Mitch, I love you with all of my heart and more, you are my everything." He rasps. "So is this a thing now or what?" I hear a deep voice ask. I smile and we both look over to, none other than, Avi. Esther is also by his side followed by Kevin, Kirstie, Jeremy, and Anna. "What do you think?" Kirstie gushes with tears forming in her eyes. They all came. My smile grows even wider causing my moist cheeks to hurt. I continue to hold onto Scott but he looks down at me, curiously. I release him from my embrace when my position is taken by Esther wrapping him into a hug. "I am going to miss you so much Scott. You have to call me at least everyday," She exclaims, her bloodshot eyes wide. He nods. "I promise," He quietly agrees, releasing her from the hug. The hugging line continues as Scott wraps his arms around Kirstie. They whisper their good byes as I quietly talk to Kevin and Avi. "Thanks for waking me up by the way," Kevin chuckles. I smile. "I'm sorry. I just thought it would be best if you all got to say good bye," I reply. "Well I am glad you did," Kevin says. "And I am glad to see that you two are finally together!" Avi exclaims. I smile. "Everyone has been waiting for it, man. It is about damn time," Avi jokes. Kevin, Avi, and I laugh as Jeremy finishes his goodbye and Scott holds Anna one last time. Avi and Kevin slowly make their way to Kirstie and Esther, who have an animated conversation a few feet away, and I watch Jeremy in as he joins them. I break my gaze with the small group forming as Scott begins speaking. "When did you plan this?" He asks. I cross my arms over my chest and turn to face him. "Late last night while you slept," I say softly. He smiles and wraps his arms around me and I, around him. "Thank you," he whispers and with that we bring our lips together for one last time before he releases me. "Last call for Terminal B-3, Now boarding," the woman says for a final time. I smile up at him and tuck the folded piece of paper, I still held onto, back into his pocket. We look over to our closest friends. Not a single dry eye in the audience. He looks back down at me, grinning, and collects his bags. I wave at him as he walks past me and begins towards the boarding area. I follow his tall, blonde, head through the horde of people before he disappears in the crowd.


Stay tuned for an Epilogue :)

A/N: Where to begin? I believe I owe you an apology. You waited so patiently for every chapter and you put up with me, for the most part, and I am so lucky to have you as a reader. Every comment and vote was deeply appreciated and it motivated me to do a lot more. I am sorry it took me a long time to update the story I just had a bad case of writers block (like my brain packed up and left on it's own 'summer vacation') but I am glad I could finally give you a chapter. This is the final chapter of the story but there will be an epilogue. Thank you to everyone who has read this story. It was my first fanfic and you, as the reader, motivated me to continue writing it. Normally I would just run out of ideas and kind of "push a story to the side" but I stuck with this one and I love the way it turned out. It also gave me an idea of what kind of material I could include in future stories. Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting; I really appreciate it and thank you for taking this journey with me.

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