2~ Answered

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I accelerate down the highway. The cool November breeze blows in through the open window. My elbow sits in the open window frame and I rest my head on my knuckles with my free hand on the steering wheel. My Beyoncé album plays on repeat throughout my car's radio drowning out my bad day, clearing my thoughts. I pull to a stop at a traffic light, sit up, and close the window. I put both my hands on the steering wheel tapping my thumbs to the beat. My phone begins to buzz again. I throw my hands over my face I groan. "What the fuck?!" I shout. The phone buzzes again. I grab the phone out of the cup holder with one hand and turn down the radio with the other. I press the answer button and bring the phone to my ear. "What?" I hiss. "Well hello to you too." I hear a familiar voice say.  "You've called me three times in the past hour and I haven't picked up until now so it must be urgent." I growl. He is quiet for a moment. "When I wanted to hear your voice, I didn't want to hear your voice when you are cranky. I just want to talk to you Mitch." He says, quietly. My heart beat flutters when he says my name but then I remember why I was angry. I close my eyes and push the looming anger to the side and let out a sigh. This is the first time I have talked to him in almost two years, I have put him off all day, it is the least I could do. "I am sorry, Scott. It has been a tough day." I whisper, bringing my hand to the wheel and my foot to the gas as I begin to drive again. "Is it that boss you told me about?" He asks, innocently. I nod, "Yep. Alexander Kirk... I am an Lead Executive for employee relations and he called me his 'ASSISTANT'!" I nearly shout. "I worked my way up to the position I hold today and being called an assistant is so demeaning." I vent. I feel Scott's understanding through the phone. "Sounds like a dick." He yawns. "Only if you met him." I say, glancing out the window and switching lanes. "I know this is off topic, but why did you keep calling me earlier?" I ask, as I slow down. "Well I didn't think my calls were going through and I also kind of need a ride..." He says, slowly. "Why, what happened?!" I ask, nervously, my heart beginning to pound. "Oh no, it is nothing bad," he says, sensing the anxiety in my voice. "It's just that I am kind of stuck at the airport..." He continues. I am full on flipping out now. "The airport?! What did you do?!" I hear myself shout. He chuckles softly, "Nothing 'mom'... I forgot to rent a car in advance and it was closed before I landed so I started calling anyone I knew in the area, which was you, and when you didn't answer I just went to the food court and gift shops to kill time. When I called you the second time it was well past Twelve and when you still didn't pick up I worried I had bad reception in the airport, so I found myself a cozy bench and I fell asleep for about a half an hour. Now it is my third time calling, you finally picked up, and I found out you were getting my calls you just chose not to pick up... I really don't want to be at the airport all night." He says, with a sleepy voice. I begin to drive again. My heart is pounding still, "You slept on a bench?" I ask, jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. "Yep. I am one of those people we used to make fun of when we would travel." He says, chuckling. I laugh at the memories, the nervousness forgotten. "I missed that laugh," he whispers. I smile against the receiver, "And I miss you, ya dope," I whisper, playfully. "Then come and get me please..." He suggests. "Well okay, which airport are you at?" I ask, switching on my blinker.


A/N: Sorry that it has taken me a while to post, I had a cold this past week, I will try to start posting more... I really enjoy writing this. It is still kind of in the "set up" stages but I think I'm starting to get somewhere :b Please leave any  comments or reviews and thanks for reading! :D

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