24~ Revelations

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I run to the side of my car and hunch over with my hands on my knees. I let a sob escape as tears roll down my cheeks and drip onto the cement. I hear the front door close and footsteps come towards me, cautiously. "Mitch?" Scott whispers. I look up at him. "W-why did y-you leave?" I rasp. "Mitch we've went through this many times, every time it results in a fight," he warns. I stand up straight. "I k-know and I get t-the same answer everytime, b-but why?" I whimper as I try to control my tears. "My father was in the Army, I grew up always wanting to be something important, I've told you this," Scott says, softly, stepping towards me. I step back. "There ha-has to be another re-reason. Pentatonix was our life. We loved it and yet you dropped all four of us like nothing, you didn't even ask or tell us," I slur, sniffling to keep in the tears. "I didn't know my decision needed the group's consent," Scott growls. Anger flares deep inside of me and I slap him across the face. The slap leaves my hand sore and the sound echoes through the neighborhood. I step back, feeling remorse, immediately. The alcohol in my system clouds my better judgement but it is too late to take back what I had done. He raises a hand and clutches his cheek, looking at me with a lost look in his eyes. "Is this what I get for going to fight battles for our country? Not even a thank you?" He whispers, his voice deathly quiet. I feel the tears come back to my eyes. "What about the battles I had to face back here without you? What about the battles, here, that you abandoned?" I whisper as tears pour from my eyes. "I told you I had stuff I needed to get over! I had stuff I had to make right!" He shouts, lowering his hand from his face. "I had to discover how I felt! I had to discover who I was!" He continues, as a tear begins to roll down his red cheek. "I thought you knew who you were! I thought you knew where you belonged!" I shout. He throws his arm out, gesturing towards me. "Maybe I ran because, maybe, I knew I had started falling for you!" He shouts. I stop, my mouth hanging wide open. He pauses, the angry look in his eyes receding and red developing on both cheeks. "Maybe I needed to get away to sort out the feelings I had for you," He continues, his voice quiet, as he lowers his hand to his side. He looks at me expectantly. My head begins to spin, and not just because of the beer. The revelations, the memories. I slowly sit on the cool cement of Kirstie's driveway. We are silent for a minute. I stare off into space and Scott kneels down beside me. "Ever since high school I knew there was something that made you different than just my friend." He begins. "When we were together, I was on cloud nine. When we were apart, I felt like I was deprived of some type of drug... I needed my fix," He continues. "You were my addiction." He says, softly. I continue to look off into the distance, analyzing everything he has said. So he was falling in love with me? My conscience whispers. "The Sing-Off, the tours, when we were roommates... we grew closer and closer. Those were some of the best times of my life." He says, chuckling. I smile to myself as he tells me his untold story. "That one night when our old high school had us back to perform. We stood on the stage in an auditorium full of applauding people... you looked up into my eyes, you took my hand into yours, and we bowed: That night all of the memories and feelings came back to me." He says, watching me closely. My heart pounds in my chest. "I was terrified of the feelings I felt for you and if my intuition was correct, and I was in love with you, I worried that it would ruin our friendship." He whispers, running his finger across the cement. My heart beat slows. The confusion, the anger, the distortion all engulfing my mind screeches to a halt. So he feels the same way? "I have ran from my feelings to protect us but it appears that all I have done is hurt us more. The feelings I have fought off for so long are now resurfacing and I am done hiding them." He says, quietly. "Every time I see you I am happy. You bring me a joy that no one else could ever replicate... Mitch Grassi," He pauses. I look up at him. "I love you."


A/N: Another installment to the story and everything is finally coming together. I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for more to come. Please feel free to leave any comments, suggestions, or reviews and, as always, Thank you for Reading! <3

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