8~ Delivery

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Scott and I coast down the highway. The wind blows in through our open windows as Pretty Hurts blares on my car's radio. I glance over at Scott, who has been quiet the whole ride, as he looks out the open window in a daze. I look back towards the road. "What's on your mind?" I ask, quietly, as I remove a hand from the steering wheel and turn down the radio. He looks over at me and smiles. "Oh nothing, really. I'm just thinking about how nice it is to be back home." He says. I nod. "How long are you home?" I ask, quickly, dreading the question. He tilts his head and looks back out his window. "I think two weeks, but they could call me back anytime," he says. I feel my heartbeat falter as the words ring in my ears. Two weeks? I place my hand back on the wheel. I have only two weeks before he is gone again... A drought in California stays longer than he is. After he is gone, we don't even know when he can come back or if he'll come back. I shake the thoughts that are coming into my head and try to calm myself the way Esther taught me. He is home. Safe. Happy. I continue to try to think of positives and drive in silence with the small negative thoughts still close by.

When we arrive at my work, I gather my things and Scott, and hurry into the building. I walk through the labyrinth of cubicles with Scott closely behind. Phones ring, people talk, printers beep. I hate this place. "So what does this 'Mr. Kirk' guy look like?" Scott asks, joining me at my side. I remain quiet for a moment and then I answer. "An ass." Scott laughs and I look up at him with a smile. "I know that, but what does he really look like?" Scott asks as we draw closer to Mr. Kirk's office. I furrow my eyebrows and think for a moment. "He is blonde, built, tall..." I begin, when suddenly Mr. Kirk rounds a corner and nearly runs into me. "Kind of like this-" I say gesturing to Mr. Kirk with an outstretched hand. Mr. Kirk glances down at me and then looks at Scott. The two blonde men lock eyes and stare at each other for a moment. "Hello, I am Alexander Kirk," He says, giving Scott his attractive bright smile, offering him a hand. Scott smiles and takes his hand shaking it. "I am Scott Hoying." He says, politely, releasing his hand. I watch as the two men stare at each other for a few more moments. A small feeling burns inside of me as I watch them. I don't know what exactly the feeling is but I don't like it. "Ah-hem," I cough, obnoxiously. They both look down at me. Mr. Kirk steps towards my side and places a hand on my shoulder. "Mitch here is such a great employee. Being Lead Executive of Employee Relations is hard work," he begins looking down at me and then back up at Scott. "But I am glad I have Mitch here. He is such a hard worker," he continues, clapping me on the back like we are buddies. I can't keep my mouth from hitting the floor. I look up at Scott, who is buying all of Kirk's bullshit. I remove Alexander's hand from my shoulder and step away from him. "If you wouldn't mind, I would like to deliver your work before I have to file for retirement," I hiss. He nods and smiles. "Why yes of course, Mr. Grassi," He says sweetly, holding out his hand, gesturing for me to go ahead.

It is a short walk from where we once stood to Mr. Kirk's office. I open the heavy door and walk inside. The room is filled with dark wood furniture. Most of the walls are decorated with awards the business has earned but on the far back wall sits his desk. I walk across the room. Scott and Alexander arrive a few minutes after. Alexander continues to tell Scott more about the company and himself. I roll my eyes as I unlatch my briefcase and collect his things. He has talked about himself ever since we ran into him. I place the transcripts on his desk, close my briefcase, and turn towards the direction of their voices. Scott stands still with his hands in his pockets, listening intently. Alexander points to some of the framed newspaper clippings on the wall with his free hand and explains the backstory, while his other hand rests on the small of Scott's back. Now I know the feeling; Jealousy. "Alexander," I bark. Scott glances up quickly, startled. Alexander's hand slides off of the small of Scott's back as he turns and faces me, a ghost of a smile on his lips. "Mr. Grassi, that is very unprofessional," He says, quietly, as a dark look flashes in his eyes. I clutch my briefcase strap, "I'm sorry sir. Your transcripts are done." I say, deathly quiet. A slight blush develops on my cheeks. I am jealous of the way Kirk touched Scott. I felt jealous. I felt possessive. Alexander walks towards his desk, closer to me, away from Scott. He flashes me a manipulative look as he walks to his desk. Scott furrows his eyebrows, perplexed. I turn and face Mr. Kirk's desk. He fingers through the papers and when he reaches the last page he turns and looks at me. "Well done. I guess that means you are free to go," He says, studying me with dark eyes. I would kill to find out what he is planning. I nod and turn walking towards Scott, who is already standing at the door with the door open. "Take as much time off as you want Mitch," He says as I give him a slight wave and step out of the door. Scott begins to follow me out when Alexander adds one more thing, "...and Scott," he says. Scott peeks his head back through the door, looking into the office. "Call me, " Alexander says.

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