6~ 4x6

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After I am showered and dressed I walk out of my bedroom and find Scott sitting at the counter, fully dressed, spooning cereal into his mouth. I come into the kitchen and open one of the cabinets, removing a mug. When I turn I see Scott inspecting a small, four by six, photo. "What are you looking at?" I ask walking toward the coffee pot. Scott looks up from the picture. "Is this her?" Scott asks, with a small smile spreading across his lips, as he turns the picture towards me. I turn from the counter and look at the small photo. An infant with dark brown hair, a small button nose, and round cheeks, gives me a toothless smile. I smile at the baby in the picture and then at Scott. "Yes, this is Anna." I say. Scott turns the picture back towards himself. "She is beautiful, how old is she now?" He asks, looking at the baby. "Um... wow. She is almost one this upcoming November," I say, thinking back to the day of her delivery.

~ 10 months ago ~

My phone begins to ring. The chorus of Single Ladies breaks the silence that hangs over my living room. I sit on the couch with my legs crossed, running my fingers across Wyatt's small head. I look down, from the rerun episode of Spongebob, at my phone that sits on the armrest. The name Jeremy is printed on the screen for caller ID. Kirstie's husband. I look at the digital time that is posted on my phone. Eleven Ten PM. I wonder why he is calling me this late at night. It must be pretty urgent. I slide my finger across the screen with one hand and turn down the volume of the tv with the other. Wyatt climbs off my lap, onto the seat next to mine, and I rise placing the remote on the armrest. "Hello," I say, quietly. My heart is pounding out of my chest. Something must've happened, something must've went wrong. "Hi, Mitch?" I hear a deep voice, Jeremy, say on the other end. "Yeah, Hi Jeremy... What is going on?" I ask, quickly as I begin to pace across the living room. I hear a whimper on the other end and then a small groan. Kirstie. "Mitch, I think Kirst just went into labor. She just started having contractions and I'm freaking out." Jeremy says, this time the anxiety palpable in his voice. I freeze and put my free hand over my mouth. "What should I do?" I hear Jeremy nearly shout on the other line. "Okay, I am not a doctor nor do I have any younger brothers or sisters, but the best thing you can do right now is remain calm and be there for Kirsten." I begin, as I run into my room and grab my flannel sweater. I grab my car keys off of the night stand next to my bed. "What should I do now?" He says. I lock the front door of my house and walk down the sidewalk to my driveway. "Now begin to time her contractions and try get her to the nearest, and if possible, cleanest hospital." I say as I get into my car. "Okay- Kirst... let's get to a hospital -" I hear Jeremy say on the other end. There is another muffled cry in the background. "Mi- Mitch let me- let me talk to Mitch," I hear Kirstie moan. The phone must've been passed between Jeremy and Kirstie because soon I hear Kirstie's pained voice on the other line. "Mitch?" I hear her whisper. I pull off my drive way and make haste as I drive down the street. "Kirstie..." I whisper in a soothing voice. I hear a choked sob on the other end. "Mitch, it hurts- it hurts so badly... I am so scared Mitch... I don't think I can do this," She cries into the receiver. I feel warm tears well up in my eyes. I hate hearing her in so much pain, but I have to be strong, for the both of us. "Kirst, you- you are going to be the greatest mother ever. You are the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful person I know. Any child would be lucky to have a mother like you." I hear myself rasp to the weeping girl. She sniffs on the other end trying to contain her tears. "You helped me, almost all of my life. You helped me when my dog died, when I came out, when my parents got divorced... When Scott left..." My voice is almost an inaudible whisper. "You were more than the best friend anyone could ask for. You were a sister to me- a mother. You are the strongest person I know and I know that you are going to make it through this." I say, my voice rising and cracking slightly. I hear her cry out again. "Mitch- Mitch I am in so much pain..." She sobs. "Shh, I know, but I'll be there soon. The baby will be here soon." I whisper, trying to comfort her. I am coasting down the highway now towards the direction of Jeremy and Kirstie's shared home. "Which hospital are you going to?" I ask Kirstie, who has stopped crying but continues to snivel. "Patton State Hospital," she rasps. I sniff back a couple tears and nod. "Okay, I'll get there as soon as I can," I say. "Thank you Mitch," she whispers softly and with that she hangs up.

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