15~ Sunsets

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My toes squish between the moist sand as the cool tide rolls back up and envelopes my feet. I continue to walk with Scott by my side. The beach had finally become somewhat quiet and relaxing, most people started clearing out and packing up a few hours ago. The tide had begun to rise and sun had just began to set, painting the sky with marvelous colors. The seagulls squawk in the distance and the peaceful breeze blows through the palm trees, rustling the leaves and tossling my hair. Scott stops walking and turns, facing the ocean. I stop and turn, facing him. "What are you doing?" I ask, quietly. He continues to stare out at the setting sun in awe. "I haven't seen a sunset, like this, in two years," he whispers. "Sometimes I thought I never would be able to see one again," he says, still looking out at the picturesque view. He looks over at me. "You sometimes forget to just stop and think about how beautiful and valuable life actually is, or to be thankful for what you have." He says, softly. I watch him intently. The breeze blows across the beach again. I shiver and goosebumps develop on my skin. Playful Scott, now completely forgotten. He looks back out at the ocean. I step closer to him so we are standing arm to arm. I look out at the sun that is almost completely set. I look out of the corner of my eye up at Scott. His distressed face, his anxious eyes. I quickly intertwine my fingers with his so we are holding hands. I squeeze his hand reassuringly, our palms pressing together. A reminder that he does not need to worry anymore, or at least for right now, and that he is safe; He is home. He looks down at me and smiles, squeezing my hand back. "Thank you," He whispers. We both watch the sun as it dips beyond the horizon not to be seen again until tomorrow.

We talked, reminisced, laughed, ate, drank, swam; tried to make up the missed years in a single day. We stroll back to our spot, through the bright light the moon is emitting, following our footstep trail we had left before. We don't talk but we continue to clutch hands. Scott hums softly and I just listen to the sadness behind it. When we reach the area we left our things we quickly pack up and walk towards the car. I look back as we walk away from where our stuff once was, Casa del Grassi-Hoying now just taken out with the tide.

When we get home, we leave most of the stuff in the car, and then we shower off the saltwater, sand, and memories of that day. Soon we are both asleep.


A/N: Thanks for Reading and until next Monday... :)

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