18~ Thoughts

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As I climb the wooden stairs of the porch, to the front door, I feel nervous. The front door is already open but the screen door remains closed. Scott's parents are like my own, I shouldn't be worried. I turn as Scott steps beside me. I look up at him and he smiles down at me, taking my hand in his and giving me a reassuring squeeze. His hand is soft and warm; comforting. I hope my hand isn't sweaty, my conscience whispers. He releases my hand after what seems to be a year but it was a year too short. I bring my hands behind my back and check my palm moisture as he tucks his hand into his pocket and rings the door bell with the other. I wanted to bring something. Maybe flowers for his mother or a dish of food but Scott convinced me it would be unnecessary. I feel so empty handed, literally. After a few moments Scott's mother, Connie, opens the screen door with a large smile on her face and misty eyes. "Scotty," She exclaims opening her arms. Scott automatically steps forward, wrapping his arms around her. I smile at the view. He towers over the smaller woman, but she has had such an effect on his life, she can bring him to tears in a second. "I've missed you Mom," He whispers, tears running down his cheeks. My heart is full of light and a large smile spreads across my face.  This is love. A true, geniuine, love shared between family members that I find beautiful. She releases him from her embrace but holds him at arms length, looking him up and down. "You look so healthy and strong... Did you get hurt at all? Nothing missing?" She asks like a concerned mother would. He smiles and shakes his head. She pulls him close one last time and then glances from him to me. "Mitch!" She exclaims, throwing her arms open and running towards me. I wrap my arms around her and press my cheek against the top of her head. Her blonde hair smells of flowers. The hug duration is shorter but she holds me at arms length as soon as she releases me, looking me up and down. "Mitch you look great as always," She says. I giggle and nod. "Thank you. You look great too Mrs. Hoying," I say. She releases me and swats my arm playfully. "Call me mom," She says, with a laugh. I smile and rub my arm, pretending to be hurt. "There's my boy!" Scott's dad, Rick, says walking onto the porch. She places a hand on my shoulder and turns looking at her husband and son. Scott offers his hand to his dad. Rick, who is usually a pretty formal guy, bypasses his sons offered hand shake and brings him into a hug. Scott looks surprised for a second but then returns the hug. When his dad releases him, he claps Scott on the shoulder. "I'm proud of you son. Defending our country and bringing pride to the family name," He says, looking up at Scott who blushes. Rick looks over at me. I raise my hand and give a slight wave. "Hi, Mr. Hoying," I say, my voice slightly nervous. He laughs, stepping forward and wrapping me into a hug. I nearly flinch. "No titles necessary son, call me dad," He says, releasing me. He steps back. I nod and smile. "Well I just took some biscuits out of the oven and dinner is still cooking." She says, her Texan accent still kind of evident. Scott's family all moved to California four years ago but there accents still remain at times. Rick nods, joining his son's side, and putting an arm over his shoulder. "Okay hun, I think Scott and I will catch up a little bit," He says, looking towards me. "Mitch can join us too, if he'd like-" Rick offers. I shake my head. "No it's fine M- dad," I say, correcting myself. "You two deserve sometime to catch up. Besides, Scott will probably love having me out of his hair for a while," I say. Connie and Rick laugh and Scott smiles. "You know that isn't true.  I love having you in my hair," He says, a thinly veiled innuendo in the statement. Connie and Rick laugh oblivious and I smile, my cheeks growing warm. He smiles at me. We joke around like this all of the time, even if it's in front of his parents, but this time it felt different. For some unknown reason his eyes just looked lustful. "Well okay. Mitch, if you like, you can come and help me make some salads." Connie offers. I look at her and smile. "Of course, Mom," I say, making sure that I addressed her correctly. She walks toward the door and goes inside, I follow close behind.

As I walk into the small kitchen/dining room, Scott's mother is already in the kitchen gathering the ingredients for the salads. I hear Scott's laughing drift through the open door, down the hallway. I look in the direction it is coming from. "You know Rick really likes you," She says, softly. I look at her. "Even though he is a hard fellow and he doesn't express his emotions a lot, I believe he likes you," She says. I must've looked confused because she begins explaining. "You looked nervous honey but, trust me, there is nothing to be worried about. Big Ol' Rick is like that to all of the boys that come here," She explains. So she can sense my fear? Boys that come here? What does she mean? "When both of my daughter's were dating he always acts that way to see if the boys are true to their character," She says, digging through a cupboard. My eyes widen to plates. Oh. "But, just between us, Rick 's like one big teddy bear," She says, gathering eight bowls and setting them on the counter. I let out a nervous laugh, maybe she can't tell the difference. "Scott and I aren't dating," I say, trying not to blush too hard. Connie looks up at me, confused for a moment. "Oh... well I guess I just always thought-" She says, blushing slightly. I smile and shake my head. "No, no, you're fine. A lot of people think it," I say, truthfully. She smiles. "If you two were dating, I'd take you in, in a heartbeat," She says, laying out the bowls. I smile. It was sweet of her to say that but I smile because of the thought of Scott and I dating. I've always thought of what it'd be like. I mean we've been friends so long, we know everything about each other, and we love one another like family but those are the same reasons why dating him would be a bad idea. I don't want to fuck up the relationship we once had if we broke up. I've liked Scott for a long time but I was never able to admit it to myself until recently. Seeing him back again after the hell I went through trying to forget. I never could forget because I love him. I didn't want him to leave in the first place because I love him. Will he ever love me though? "Mitch?" I hear a soft voice whisper, pulling me out of my deepest thoughts. Connie looks at me. "Sorry," I whisper, walking towards the counter. "It's fine honey. Wanna help me with these salads?" She asks. I nod and grin, walking around the counter, joining her on the other side. I busy myself with the activity of cutting tomatoes and onions but the thought still persists in the back of my mind. The feeling that was vague until now, now that I can see it in the light, is love. I love Scott Hoying.


A/N: Ah, finally, a post on a Monday! Lol. This chapter was slightly longer than usual and there are many more chapters to come. I hope you are enjoying this story line and theme that comes with it. Please leave any comments/reviews and Thanks for Reading. :)

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