27~ Hired and Fired

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"Mitch, it is lovely to see you." A familiar voice says. I despise the voice and the person it belongs to. I turn from my typing and look to the entrance of the cubicle. Alexander stands there with his arms casually crossed in a black suit and tie. My afterglow from this past week, late last night, and early this morning dies as soon as I see him. "Good Afternoon, Mr. Kirk," I say, the name leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. He smirks. "I expect you are caught up with all of your work," He says, raising his eyebrow. I give him a fake smile, the ones I have mastered after using them so frequently. "After I print this last document my work from last week should be finished," I say with a, no holds barred, touch of sickening sweet. He nods. "Well that's great because I am going to need you to finish my paperwork from last week and this week as well," He says. I try to control my reaction, the way I taught myself to, because I know all he wants is a rise out of me. "That won't be a problem, would it?" He challenges. He thrives off of reactions. I give him a tight smile and shake my head. "No problem at all, sir," I say, my voice almost pained. "Great. I need it by the time you leave tonight," He says as he begins to walk away. I turn back toward my computer, fighting the urge to smash my head through the screen. "Oh, and Mitch," He says. I turn. He smiles his trademarked 'I just fucked you' smile. "Welcome back."

The afternoon seems to fade by slowly. I finish my work just to be handed more of his. If I didn't do his work the Heads would've had his balls three years ago and I would've ran this place. The option of reporting him has crossed my mind several times but they would never fire him because he is such a 'hardworker' and 'valuable asset to the company'. Only because you put him there, my conscience reminds me. Plus if he found out I tried to get him fired, he'd make my life hell and then I'd be out of work. Well he already makes your life hell, my conscience whispers. The memories of how hard it was to find a job after Pentatonix ended flash through my mind. There aren't many places that will hire an ex-music group member with little to no experience in an actual office. This place hired me though.

As it becomes night, and everyone in the office leaves, I finish typing the last piece of Kirk's work. Deja Vu, my conscience teases. I press print and the last document shoots out of the printer. I gather my work, his work from the week prior, and his work for this week and I paper clip them into there own organized stacks. I glance around the office. Through the window, separating his office from everyone else's, I see the light is still on. I collect everything, putting it into my briefcase, and walk to his office.

When I knock a voice, I cannot recognize, answers on the other side of the door. "Come in," It replies. When I walk inside Alexander sits on the edge of his desk. It was his voice? "Mitch, have a seat," He says, gesturing to the leather chair that sits in front of his desk. I approach him, slowly, clutching the stack of papers. "I'd prefer to stand," I say, nervousness etched in my voice. "Okay," He shrugs. I hold out the three stacks of paper to him, remaining a few feet away. He is acting strange. He takes the papers from me gently and, instead of looking them over like he usually would, sets them on the desk behind him. "Mitch, I'd like to discuss your vacation," He begins, looking at me from his seat. I furrow my eyebrows. "Now, I know you know the guidelines and the proper way to call off of work, which is why it was so unlike you to just up and leave for a week." He says, holding me in place with his eyes. "It was against the rules and I could've fired you for it," He continues. My heart stops. No. I cannot lose this job. "But I didn't," He adds. He helped me? He rises from the edge of his desk and stalks toward me, slowly. My heartbeat grows in my ears. "I might have to dock your pay, though," He says. My eyes widen. "Unless, you do something for me..." He begins, his voice low. I knew it. He will always try to fuck me over something. There is always a clause. I cross my arms over my chest as he stops walking, a few inches in front of me. "I hired you because you have always been such a hard worker and you don't deserve to get fired or your pay docked," He whispers, pronouncing every syllable. I step back as he moves closer. What the fuck is he doing? "I've wanted you for so long... Maybe you could repay the favors," He whispers. My back hits the wall and I have nowhere else to go. Repay the favors? Wanted me? So he wants to punish me for taking off a week, to be with Scott, because he is jealous? He hired me because he wanted me? I am lost in thought I didn't realize he was kissing me and grabbing me. Alexander my boss, the offspring of the devil himself, pressing his lips to mine and palming me through my slacks. I push him away quickly, spitting on the floor as if to cleanse myself of his taste. No, no, no. He looks down at me. His eyes are filled with lust, confusion, and anger. He is trying to threaten me into doing him 'favors' so I don't lose my job. I reach up and slap him across his breathless face. "You motherfucker!" I exclaim. He clutches his cheek and falls back slightly. My hand stings and all I can do is think about the pain on his face. That was two times harder than yesterday when I hit Scott. Wait, Scott! My heart begins to ache. I feel nothing for Alexander, except for pure hatred, but just to tell Scott he kissed me and touched me... "I worked my ass off to keep you in your position. I owe you nothing." I seethe, running out of his office. "You're fired!" He bellows from his office as the door closes behind me. I run to my cubicle and grab my things. Being fired is the last thing I care about right now. Scott will probably never forgive me.


A/N: Oh no he didn't! *sassy snaps* I'm sorry I just had to say that Xb Thank you for reading. Feel free to leave any comments, suggestions, or reviews and there will be another update coming your way next Monday. <3

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