5~ Plans

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I am awoken by the sound of singing. "Baby put your arms around me, tell me I'm the problem..." I sit up and the blankets fall from my chest, pooling at my waist. I wipe the sleep from my eyes and look toward the direction it is coming from. The bathroom door that is attached to my bedroom is shut; the sound of running water and Scott singing echoes through the closed door. "Know I'm not the girl you thought you knew and that you wanted..." He continues. Instead of a rooster to wake me up in the morning, I have Scott going full on Beyoncé in the shower. I smile as his humming amplifies in the shower and echoes out into my room. Whatever, he is a guest and that is the only bathroom there is in this house, I'll just wait. I pull the blanket off of my body and rise from the bed. Knowing Scott, he'll probably be in there for a while, he likes to finish singing the whole album whenever he takes a shower. I walk out of my bedroom and walk into the kitchen, the time on the stove reads Twelve Fifteen. Shit, I need to call into work... My conscience shouts. I grab my phone that sits on the counter and dial up the number, of the one person that I hate the most, my boss.

After about two rings he answers. "Mr. Grassi, funny getting a call from you... I would never expect a call from you." He says, clicking his tongue. "Yes, I wouldn't expect myself doing this in a thousand years either." I nearly hiss. He chuckles. "What do you need?" He asks, barely able to conceal his pleasure. I, Mitch Grassi, asking him for a favor?! I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. "I can't come in to work today. Some things came up last night and I forgot to call in until now." I say, leaning my bottom on the edge of the cabinet, crossing my arm over my chest. "'Some Things'," he quotes. Scott walks out of the bedroom with a white towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets drip down his chiseled chest from his messy, damp, hair. "Hey Mitch, where do you keep your hair dryer?" He asks, looking towards me in the kitchen. I put up my finger silencing the confused Scott. Scott shuts his mouth. "What types of things, Mr. Grassi?" Mr. Kirk continues, obviously noticing Scott's voice in the background. I could imagine the bastards ears perking up like a dog's. "If you must know... My best friend just came into town yesterday. I haven't seen him in two years, so if you don't mind, I am going to take a day off." I state, not really giving him a chance to disagree. Mr. Kirk is quiet on the other end, probably trying to think of something else witty to say... "That's really sweet... You haven't seen a friend in a long time, so you'd skip work just to have a day on memory lane with him- you see the thing with me is that I don't care. I don't care about your request for time off or your 'personal stories'. I care about my job and my job status. In order to maintain my job status is by turning in those files that you were supposed to give me today." He says, snidely. I close my eyes and heave a sigh, Shit. I forgot about those too. "I am not leaving my friend here when I come in for, whoever knows how long, to finish your work." I say running my hand through my tousled hair. "Just bring your friend with you, deliver the stuff, and then leave." he whispers. I scrunch my eyebrows. "Why are you doing this?" I hear myself ask. There is a pause on the other end, "Doing what?" He asks, quizzically. "There has to be some kind of catch. You wouldn't just let me off the hook without scolding or antagonizing me about it. Why are you doing this?" I ask, trying to understand his motives. "I just want my transcripts. If letting your buddy 'tag along' is going to let me get my stuff I need then whatever, bring him with you. Just please bring me the work." He says. He sounds so small and vulnerable now. I feel a smirk develop on my lips. Looks like he isn't that intimidating. "Fine, I'll be there in two hours." I say, a little more confident. "Okay- okay, fine. Bye." He says, hanging up.

I remove the phone from my ear and hang up, looking down at the black screen. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were on the phone..." Scott says using the other towel, around his neck, to wipe some of the water off of his forehead. I wave my hand at him, gesturing for him not to worry about it. "It was nothing important." I say placing my phone, behind me, on the counter. "Who were you talking to?" He says, coyly. I rest my hands on the edge of the counter and tilt my head. "My boss," I say in a monotone voice, staring blankly at him. "What did he say?" Scott asked. "He told me to bring you into work with me to deliver his papers..." I say, frowning. "Why does he want you to bring me with you?" Scott asks, placing his large palms on the counter. I shrug. "Do you want me to tag a long?" Scott asks, strumming his fingers on the countertop. "Well I am going to have to go to the office sometime today so if you want to come you can..." I offer. He smiles and nods. "Yes- uh sure... Absolutely." He says, quickly. I smile back at him. "Well, then, we have an hour to get ready." I say walking out of the kitchen into the living room towards my bedroom.


A/N: The first chapters are sort of short, I know, but the next chapter is pretty lengthy. I am going to try updating and publishing weekly (Every Monday, I am aiming for) so if you enjoyed, stick around. Thanks for reading. :D

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