22~ Reception

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"Hey Strangers," Kirstie chirps as she opens the door. She stands in the doorway with a plain white t-shirt and light blue jeans. "Hey," Scott and I exclaim. She envelopes me in a one armed hug as Anna coos in her other arm. "Hey honey," I whisper to the baby, holding out a finger and tickling her belly. Anna squirms and giggles in Kirstie's arms. Kirstie releases me and smiles down at Anna. "She sure is excited to see you," Scott says, chuckling as the baby garbles and tries to grab me. Kirstie holds Anna out to me and I take her into my arms. Kirstie then goes on to greet and hug Scott. I continue making silly faces at the baby until Kirstie begins to explain the absence of Jeremy. "He is at work but he his going to pick up take out and bring it home to us," she says, cheerfully. I smile at her and then look over at Scott who is smiling at me. We stare at each other for several moments until Kirstie claps her hands together. "Okay, would you guys like any drinks to start out with?" She asks, walking over to her kitchen. We turn in the direction she is walking. "I'm designated driver so Scott can have whatever he wants," I say as I watch Kirstie open her fridge. "Mitch, I don't want you to feel obligated to stay sober... You should have a few drinks too," Scott persuades. Kirstie pokes her head out from behind the fridge door. "If need be, I have a guest room in case you wanna crash here, " She offers. "Yeah, then we can have a sleepover like we used to," Scott says. I look over at him, with my eyebrows furrowed. "We never used to have sleepovers..." I say, quietly. "Then we can have a sleepover like I always wanted to do," He begins. Kirstie, Scott, and I laugh as Kirstie removes two beer bottles from the fridge, closing the door behind her. "Here we are," she says, placing the bottles on the table. She turns back towards the kitchen and walks to a cabinet searching for a bottle opener. Scott walks over to the table and lifts one of the bottles as Kirstie continues digging through drawers. Scott then pulls the bottle cap off of the bottle with one swift move as Kirstie finally turns from the cabinet with the bottle opener in hand. "Ooh, army made Scotty here a manly man," I tease. Kirstie giggles and walks to the table. Scott looks over at me with a smug grin, raises his bottle to me, and then brings it to his lips. Kirstie lifts my bottle and opens the bottle for me. She holds the bottle by the neck and walks over to me. I hand Kirstie Anna as she hands me the beer. I bring it to my lips and tip it back as Kirstie carries Anna to the small crib in the center of the living room, placing her inside. "Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable, it might be a while till Jer gets home," She says, walking towards the kitchen. Scott and I carry our beers into the living room and sit down on one of Kirstie's couches.

Kirstie, Scott, and I sit around and catch up for a half an hour until Jeremy arrives with the food. We all talk, play games, and joke around as we eat our take out. I watch Scott, he only drank two beers. I wanted him to be able to loosen up and have fun since he has been on edge for a while but it seems like I, the designated driver, has drank more than he has. I look down at the fourth bottle of beer in my hands as Jeremy and Scott have a long dispute about sports. I look up as Kirstie, who went into the kitchen to feed Anna, returns with the sleeping baby. "Would you two keep it down? I just put her to sleep..." Kirstie whispers as she walks through the middle of Scott and Jeremy. "Yes ma'm," Jeremy jokes, slapping Kirstie gently on the behind. Scott and him laugh. She rolls her eyes and places Anna in the crib. When she turns back towards us, she smiles. "Do you guys want to watch old home movies?" She whispers, her excitement palpable. "If it'd get them to shut up, then sure." I slur, through my haze. Scott nudges my arm. I give him a sleepy smile but I wasn't kidding. She giggles, "I take that as a yes!" She squeals, quietly, as she runs towards her room. Jeremy laughs and leans back in the love seat he and Kirstie were sharing. Everyday, for a while, after Scott left, Kirstie and I would watch these old videos and just bawl. When he left we weren't losing a friend, but a brother, a limb, or even an organ. He was vital to our lives. To me, more ways than one. Kirstie returns with the shoe box that holds them. Kirstie is more of the sentimental type so we gave her the pictures and videos to hold onto. Scott and I turn our attention to the TV as Kirstie walks to the DVD player with the box. After a few moments of hooking everything up and finding the films we wanted to watch, we began our 'throwback special'.

We watched videos from recitals we did when we were younger, to video clips from The Sing-Off, our tours, and then more recent videos. One is the first Christmas without Scott, another is the day Anna came home, and then we find the video, labeled May 21 2016, of Kirstie's Wedding Reception.


Kirstie and Jeremy smile at each other from the table as Kirstie's father calls everyone to attention by tapping his champagne glass with a knife. A hush falls over the small banquet room. "Alright Everyone. I am not the only one who has to give Kirstie away to a new man today but there are also four other gentlemen in her life that will also like to bestow their best wishes to the happy couple..." He says, raising his hand towards the podium in front of their table. I rise from my chair and walk quickly towards the podium. I step up and adjust the mic. I clear my throat and look around the room, my heart pounds out of my chest. "Wow, I am less nervous performing on stage than speaking to you guys," I joke, trying to lighten the mood and my anxiety. There are a few laughs, calming my nerves somewhat. I look forward at the table in which Kirstie and Jeremy sit with their hands intertwined. I clutch the sides of the podium, take a deep breath, and begin. "Kirst: we've been friends for a very long time. You know me more than anybody else, including myself, and I think that is amazing," I pause, feeling tears well up in my eyes. I release the podium and wipe my eyes placing them back on the podium, I continue looking directly at her. She is my comfort zone. "I-I could've spent all we-week preparing a-a speech and rehearsing it," I say, with a shaky voice. Kirstie looks at me with tear-filled eyes. I take a deep breath and try to hold in more tears. I cannot stop now. "B-but I wanted to speak my mind, which I am known to do ALOT," I continue as Kirstie, and a few others in the hall, laugh. I smile. "I wanted to speak my mind and speak directly from the heart because that is what you deserve: a heartfelt, sentimental, wish of true love and happiness for as long as you and Jeremy shall live that isn't scripted," I say, pausing again. The audience claps and then quiets down as I begin to speak. "Jeremy. Kirstie. I love you both dearly and I wish you the happiest and longest marriage." I conclude as the audience begins to applaud. I wipe my eyes and step down from the podium, walking back over to my table beside the dance floor. Avi, Kevin, Scott, Esther, and her boyfriend all continue to applaud as I come back to the table. When I take my seat Esther, who is seated beside me, rubs my shoulder as Scott, who is seated on my other side, tries to comfort me. The clapping dies down and Kirstie's father announces the next name. Scott.


A/N: This chapter was just a sweet little chapter that is building up to the main event and the "flashback" is an introduction to the next chapter. Thanks for Reading :)

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