23~ An Old Wound

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Scott walks across the dance floor and takes his place up on the podium. He looks so confident. He looks around the room and gives the crowd a bright smile. "Wow. Kirstie. When I heard the news about your engagement to Jeremy it was awesome." He begins. "From the second you told me and by the way you two look in each other's eyes there is an unmistakeable sign of love. A love that is shared for life. A love that lasts forever," He continues, gesturing at the smiling couple with his outstretched hand. A conflicted look flashes over his face. The crowd breaks out into a small applause and then quiets down when he continues. "Jeremy, you are going to make a great husband and a great friend-in-law and I wish you two the best with your marriage." He concludes, looking down at the podium, as if he wants to add more. The crowd applauds. Scott begins to walk away from the podium but then he stops and turns back towards the mic. The crowd's clapping halts and a slight murmuring begins as a hush falls over the crowd. Kirstie tilts her head and looks at Scott with furrowed eyebrows. "What is he doing?" Esther mumbles. "I just wanted to add before I pass the mic... Recently I've been doing some thinking and considering and-" He pauses. The crowd looks at him quizzically. "All of my life I've wanted to do something remarkable, something that I would be remembered for... and I decided that next year I will be joining the U.S. Army," He says. The crowd breaks into a slow applause. I feel my jaw hit the floor. Scott looks from Kirstie and Jeremy, to our table. I can't take my eyes off of him. A whirlwind of thoughts and scenarios engulf my mind. Avi and Kevin mumble back and forth as they slowly clap for him. He never told me this. He never told me anything about this 'plan'. I look around the room. Everyone mumbles, talks, claps. All of the noise blurs together and grows louder. I can't take it. I rise quickly, "I need air," I rasp to Esther. I walk quickly and then begin to sprint out of the banquet hall. Kirstie rises from her seat, her eyes following me out of the hall, as she continues clutching Jeremy's hand. "Mitch," Scott exclaims, running down from the podium and after me.

My vision blurs as the picture on the screen blends together. My ears drown out the sound and I rise from the couch. Kirstie looks over at me. "Mitch?" She asks. I turn and walk, quickly, out of the living room. I jog to the front door and swing it open, running into the driveway.


A/N: A early update just cuz :) Another piece of the flashback and another 'building block' to the climax. I hope you are enjoying the story and please feel free to leave any comments, suggestions, or reviews. Thank you so much for reading (you are awesome) :D

There will still be an update Monday.

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