7~ Memories

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I tap the styrofoam with my fingertips and I glance anxiously at the clock. Esther's conversation with Avi carries down the hallway. I look around the empty cafeteria bringing the cup of, now cold, coffee to my lips. I swallow it and look over at the gifts we bought for Kirstie and the baby from the hospital gift shop. My heartbeat amplifies in the quiet room and the ticking from the clock mocks me. I tap my foot and fingers, I cannot keep still. "Okay, bye," I hear Esther say from down the hallway. I hear the light pitter patter from her feet as she walks back into the cafeteria. She tucks her phone into her back pocket as she walks up to the table. "I told Avi that Kirstie went into labor and he wished her and Jer the best of luck." She says, joining me at the table, taking the empty seat across from me. I continue moving. "This anticipation is killing me," I say quickly. She smiles, taking her cup of coffee into her hand. "You never had a younger sibling, did you?" She asks. I shake my head. "Nope," I say, glancing at the clock again. Twelve O Three, tomorrow is now today. It has been twenty minutes since Esther and I had to leave Kirstie. I worry about the baby... I worry about Kirstie. Every time the clock ticks I grow closer and closer to the edge of my seat. I look at Esther's calm expression. "When you were younger what did you do when you waited for Avi to be born? How did you get over this crazy anxiety?" I hear myself ask. I need a tool or a word of advice. I need something to help me remain calm. She smiles and places her arm on the table, extending her hand to me. I take her hand. "I thought about the positives and didn't worry about anything else," she begins in a soft voice. I nod, bidding her to continue. "I thought about how great it was going to be to have a baby brother, how I could dress him up like my own baby doll; I thought about all of the love I was going to give him." She says, smiling at the memory. "But how did that keep you calm, how did it keep you from worrying?" I ask, my heart rate accelerating slightly. "You see: when you stop worrying about all of the bad and all of the negative scenarios and you set your mind to think about all of the good and things that will happen afterwards, you will find yourself not worrying anymore." She says, gently, as she rubs my knuckles. I close my eyes and try to clear my mind of all of my worries. When suddenly I hear a familiar voice. "Guys," I jump out of my seat and turn, releasing Esther's hand. Jeremy stands in the doorway of the cafeteria wearing blue scrubs and a blue cap to protect his hair. "Would you like to meet Anna?" He asks with a grin.

Esther and I clutch our gifts as we follow Jeremy down the halls of the recovery rooms. We soon come across a door in which Jeremy stops and walks over to the door, clutching the handle. He twists and pushes the door open leading Esther and I inside. The lights are off except for two lamps. We open the thin curtain dividing the room and step inside. Jeremy joins Kirstie's side. Kirstie lays in the bed with several cords attached to her except this time she has a new addition in her arms. A large smile spreads across my face and a warm tear runs down my cheek. A small baby bundled up in a pink blanket sleeps in Kirstie's arms. Kirstie looks up at me and smiles as Jeremy places a hand on her shoulder. "Would you like to hold her?" Kirstie whispers. I look over at Esther, who is smiling with tears in her eyes, and she nudges me forward. "Go," she whispers. I take the gift from Esther and walk to Kirstie's bedside. I smile at her and place her gifts on the bedside table. She looks up at me and gently lays the baby into my arms. I look down at the baby's precious face. She has a little button nose and rosy cheeks. The baby stirs and her eyelids flutter open. At first I think she is going to cry but she just looks up at me. I smile at the baby and the baby smiles back at me. I reach down with my index finger and run it down the baby's cheek. The baby giggles and wraps her small hand around my finger. "Welcome to the family," I whisper.

~ Present Day~

I smile as I finish retelling the events as if it were yesterday. Scott looks down at his bowl and stirs his now soggy cereal. "It seems like I've missed so much." He whispers, looking up at me. I scrunch my eyebrows. "Everyone changed so much," he says, quietly, looking at me with sad eyes. "I didn't change." I say softly. "Well I guess that's true," he sighs, playfully. I gape at him. "What is that supposed to mean?!" I say, feigning offense. He rises from the stool and walks around the counter to the sink. "Oh nothing..." he jokes, placing his bowl in the sink. I turn and face him. "No, I want to know," I whine. He smiles at me as he scrubs his bowl. "You're still flawless." He sighs. I laugh and smack his arm playfully. He smiles and looks down into the sink. "We have to leave soon," I say, placing my mug on the counter beside the sink. He looks at the mug and then up at me, "Sure! I'll clean it," he says sarcastically. "Thanks babe," I say, walking towards my bedroom.

I gather my transcripts and my briefcase and soon we are on the road.


A/N: Sorry... Recently I was on vacation and with Thanksgiving my posting schedule has been a little crazy. I promise I will try to start posting one chapter every Monday. This chapter was a continuation from the last but also an intro for the next chapter so I hope you enjoyed. I am trying to include a more back stories to give the story a little more 'depth'. Please leave any comments or reviews and Thanks for reading :)

Also Happy (Late) Thanksgiving :D

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