25~ Four Words

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I Love You Mitch. The four words that echo throughout my head. I Love You Mitch. The four words that no one except for my father, mother, sister, and Kirstie has ever said to me and meant it. The four words I never expected Scott to say to me. I gape at him. "You're joking. Right?" I ask, shock clearly evident in my voice. He furrows his eyebrows and looks at me like I'm speaking a foreign language. "No Mitch. I'm dead serious, I love you!" He says. He is clearly not joking. He does feel the same. He loves me! I open my mouth to speak but I am speechless. I don't know how to react. I am overwhelmed with emotions. I just begin to cry. Scott looks startled but he just sits still where he is. I look down at my lap. Then I begin to laugh through the tears. No. I'm not just laughing, I'm hysterically laughing. "Mitch?" He asks, cautiously, placing a hand on my shoulder to calm/comfort me. I look up at Scott's worried expression. "Mitch are you okay? Say something..." Scott pleads. "Shut up and kiss me," I say, placing a hand behind his head and pulling his face to mine. Soon our lips are pressed together. My mind is cloudy, my thoughts are clear, but my heart knows what it wants. He loves me. I love him. I need him. Everyone describes their first kiss as fireworks but it is more than that... It sends chills up and down my body. Scott places a hand on my lower back and pulls me in closer. We kiss each other with a burning passion. A kiss that was anticipated for such a long time. We pull back slightly so we are sharing each other's breath. We press our foreheads together and look into each other's eyes. "Well?" He whispers. "Thank you," I reply to his earlier statement. He laughs. I rub the back of his neck. "I love you too." I say, softly. We press our lips together once more. In the distance I hear the front door open to Kirstie's house. We pull apart and look in the direction of the door. Kirstie stands on the porch smiling from ear to ear. We both smile at each other and then we look back over at Kirstie. She waves us away. "You can leave whenever you want," she jokes from across the lawn. Scott pushes off of the ground and then extends a hand to me. I accept his strong hand with a smile and rise to my feet. Kirstie crosses her arms across her chest and continues smiling at us from across the way, obviously seeing everything. I blush slightly and look up at Scott. "You wanna go?" He whispers, his voice husky. I bite my bottom lip and nod. Scott continues clutching my hand and he turns to Kirstie. "We're gonna go," he shouts. She smiles. "You kids have fun," she jokes. He looks back towards me and we begin to walk toward the car.

When I open the front door to my house Scott takes my forearm and turns me around to face him. He leans down, pressing his lips to mine again then he begins to kiss my jaw. We walk backwards until I feel my back against the wall. His lips suck and he gently bites down my neck. I feel a moan resonate in my throat. Scott chuckles and takes my sides, lifting me. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He pulls his head back. "You wanna do this?" He asks, breathlessly his eyes dark and full of lust. I nod, quickly, not wanting this feeling of ecstasy to end. He smiles and brings his lips to mine, carrying me to my bedroom.


A/N: Well it finally happened and I'm so happy about it! I hope you are all enjoying the Scömìche craziness. Feel free to leave a comment/review/suggestion and as always Thanks for Reading XD

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