14~ Let's go to the Beach

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The sound of squawking from the seagulls is drowned out by the other people at the beach. There isn't as many people here as there would be on any other, warmer, day but there is still enough people to make the beach crowded. The chatter from conversations, the screaming of kids, the waves crashing on the shore... I close my eyes and take a deep breath. The smell of seaweed and salt water overwhelms me. "What would you like me to grab?" Scott asks, placing a palm on the trunk door. I look over at him and blink a couple times, snapping back into reality. "What?" I ask. He smiles. "Would you like me to help you carry anything?" He asks, chuckling slightly. I nod. "You can carry the cooler and the chairs. I'll grab the umbrella, the picnic basket, and the beach bag," I say as I begin to retrieve the items. I remove the cooler and hand it off to Scott and then I place the chairs on top. His muscular arms flex as he hold the heavy objects. The way he puts his arms around me... I blush. Did I stare for too long? I look up at him. There is a slight blush on his cheeks that is somewhat covered by his aviator sunglasses. Damn it, I was. I turn and quickly grab the picnic basket and the beach bag. A cool breeze blows over and rustles the palm tree leaves. I reach in and remove the umbrella, closing the trunk when I finish. "Let's go," Scott says, like a little kid. I smile and we begin to walk towards the beach.

I rub the lotion over my locust tattoo, the last tattoo I have to cover. Scott is bent down beside me adjusting the umbrella and anchoring it into the ground. I close the lotion and he rises, now towering over me, placing his hands on his hips. "Done," he says, with a laugh. "Good boy," I tease, seductively. He smiles and reaches towards the lotion bottle I have in my hand. I pull it back before he grabs it. "What do you say?" I ask, playfully. He grins. "Give it to me?" He jokes. I reach up and bring my sunglasses down the bridge of my nose, slightly, like a librarian. "Nope," I say, shaking my head. He raises an eyebrow and pretends he is deep in thought. "Please?" He asks. I smile holding the lotion out to him. "Of course." I say as he takes the bottle and sits in the beach chair beside me. I push my sunglasses back up the bridge of my nose, shielding my eyes from the bright sun, and look out towards the horizon. The dark blue waves pan all the way out until it cannot see them any longer. "So a beach day?" Scott asks. I look over at him. He massages sunscreen onto his broad shoulders. I grin. "Its nice to get out of the house once in a while, plus we get to spend some time together," I say softly. He smiles. "Yes, but it was just very spontaneous," he says with a laugh. I join in with him as we laugh together.

I stand in the cool water, that is up to my knees, and watch as a boat with a parasail

sails by. "Mitchy?" I hear Scott ask from behind me. I turn and see the tall, blonde, man standing there with a shovel and a pail. "Yes?" I ask. He holds up the bucket. "Do you wanna build a sand castle?" He asks, sounding like a little kid. I laugh and smile at him. For being such a strong guy on the outside I swear he is six on the inside. "Go away, Scott," I tease, turning back towards the ocean. He remains quiet... Too quiet. Suddenly I feel a bunch of cold water dump onto my head. I scream and spin around. The cool water drips onto my shoulders and rolls down my body. Scott holds the bucket in his hand and throws his head back, laughing. "That- ha- was so funny," he says through the outburst. He gasps for air and continues laughing. I wipe the water from my eyes and scowl at him, but his laughter is contagious and soon I am smiling. "Its not fair, you have the bucket," I say, slightly irritated. "I want to build a sand castle," he whines. I dip my hand into the water and splash him. "How do you like it?" I ask. He jumps away from the water. "Ooh, that's cold," He squeaks. I laugh. "Don't serve what you can't take," I say, bringing my hand to my forehead and wiping the water and my hair away. He tosses the bucket back onto shore, near our chairs and runs at me, splashing water as he comes towards me. "No!" I shout. He wraps his arms around me and lifts me off of the ground. I look into his bright eyes and he laughs. "Scott Richard Hoying, you put me down this instant," I shout. It doesn't bother me as much as I am letting on but the water is cold and I do not want to be completely submerged.  "Oh so you want to be put down?" He teases. "Like this?" He asks, dipping my body down so my back is on the surface of the water. I squeal. "Noo!" I shout. He laughs. "Will you build a sand castle with me?" He asks. "Yes, yes, just put me down!" I say, quickly. He sets me back into the water gently. I brush past him and begin walking to shore. "You're evil," I say over my shoulder. He laughs. "I know."

"Flag or no flag?" Scott asks, lifting a leaf to the top of the castle and then taking it away. Scott and I spent nearly all afternoon gathering sand and shells and putting together our castle. "Does it matter?" I ask, placing a shell over the 'door'. He smiles and nods. "Of course it does," he begins. "You are the queen," he says and playfully nudges me with his elbow. I smile. "Then add that flag," I laugh. He chuckles and places it on the castle. "Don't have to tell me twice," he says. He leans back and places his hands on his lap, wiping away the sand. "I think we are done," he says, rising off of the ground. He offers his hand down to me. I accept his hand and rise from my kneeling position on the ground. We both smile at each other and look down at our creation. "What should we call it?" I ask. He tilts his head and then looks over at me with a smile. "How about Casa del Grassi-Hoying?" He asks. I laugh. "I love it."


A/N: Here's another chapter and another day describing Scott and Mitch's adventures. I love writing this soooo much! :D Please vote, follow, comment, or review and thank you for reading.

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