17~ Startled

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I walk out of my room after I found the perfect outfit and I had my shower. That woke me right up. Scott sits on the couch scrolling through his Twitter feed. I walk past him towards the kitchen and begin to prepare a cup of coffee. "You look good," He says. I look up from the counter over at the couch. His head is turned and he is looking over the back of the couch, it looks uncomfortable. "I try," I joke. He smiles and rises from the couch, tucking his phone into the back pocket of his loose jeans and walking towards the kitchen. I look back down as I pour the coffee into the mug. "You always look good," He whispers his lips by my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist. I nearly jump out of my skin. I almost drop the coffee pot, spilling some on the counter. "Shit," I exclaim, setting the pot on the counter and trying to regain my wits. Scott's arms are no longer around me. I turn and look at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to freak out," he says, looking at me with wide eyes, concern etched on his chiseled face. I close my eyes and shake my head, looking back up at him. "It's fine, I was just startled," I say, truthfully. "I wasn't expecting it," I say with a laugh. His expression lightens. I walk past him and grab a paper towel from the roll and turn back towards the spilled coffee. "You really don't have to dress that nice, we are just going to my parents house," He says. I wipe up the spill and shrug. "I know, I'm just feeling myself today," I joke. He laughs. I feel heat rise to my cheeks and I try to hide my face as I walk to the trash bin. In reality, I guess, I am dressing up to impress his parents. Even though I already know them and they already know me, I guess I'm still trying to go the whole 'nine yards'. It's almost like meeting his parents if it were our first date. "I mean look what I'm wearing," he says, holding out his arms. I turn and look at him. He is wearing a white polo shirt with his casual blue jeans. "I think you look nice," I say, tossing out the paper towel. He smiles. "You don't have to lie to me," he says.  I smile. "I'm not," I say. His cheeks become a light pink. "But, wait, one thing-" I say. I walk over to him and unbutton the top button of his polo, exposing some of his skin. He looks down at me and I look up at him, stepping back and lowering my hands. "Better?" He asks with a chuckle. "Definitely." I joke. 


A/N: This was a short, sweet, little chapter I hope you all enjoyed. There will be a lot more to come next week. Please feel free to leave a comment or review and, until next time, Thank You for Reading :D

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