16~ Sleeping Beauty

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I lay still looking up at the ceiling at the light spots of sunlight etched across the surface. Reflecting on these past few days with Scott and what we have done makes me smile. All of the fears I once considered true about his deployment, now proven wrong, lifts my spirits slightly. I hear a murmuring from outside my closed door. Who is Scott talking to? My thoughts screech to a halt as I try to listen closely. His voice is too hushed and my curiosity is piqued, tremendously. I believe every one deserves privacy but even my own morals don't stop me from rising off of my bed and silently, prowling to the door. Once I am close enough, I press my ear to the door until my hearing can register his quiet voice.  "Okay," he says. "No, he hasn't woke up yet." He says, his voice merely a whisper. I try to hold my loud, nervous, breathes and hope that my rapid heart beat isn't amplified. "Where at?" he asks. I am too far to hear the reply on the other end but shortly after the reply, Scott says his goodbye and tells the other end that he'll see them later. Who the hell? My conscience whispers. Who is he promising to see later? I press my ear closer, spreading my palm, against the door. Suddenly I hear the couch shift and footsteps growing closer to my room from outside the door. I jump back from the door, panic slightly, and then lunge at my bed. I squirm and clamber into the sheets and pretend to be in a deep state of unconsciousness before Scott opens my door slightly. "Mitch?" He whispers, from the door way. He stalks closer to my 'slumbering' form. He kneels down at my beside. "Mitch?" He whispers again, his voice a little louder. I have to make it believable. He places a hand on the side of my ribs and shakes me. "Mitch, wake up." He chants. He continues shaking me. I groan, pretending that I don't want to be awoken. He chuckles, "You're so stubborn, even in sleep." He says, pausing his shaking. I lay still, with my eyelids closed. "Perhaps a kiss can awaken the princess," He whispers, noticing that I'm in a state of REM. My eyelids fly open and I look up at him. He is leaning down to me with his lips puckered up and his eyes closed. I continue to lay still. It's now or never. Either I let Scott kiss me because I'm 'unconscious' or I stop him. My breath hitches and Scott opens his eyes. His nose is a centimeter from mine. He smiles and leans back. "Good Morning, Sleeping Beauty," he says in a playful tone. I blink a couple times and sit up. "Were you going to kiss me?" I nearly squeak. He clambers onto my bed and jumps around, on his knees, like a little kid. "No, I knew you were awake." He says, finally sitting still. My heartbeat stops and my eyebrows lift to the sky. "You did?" I ask, not trying to give away my  eavesdropping.  He nods. "Yeah. Since you groaned, you were aware of my presence in the room but you were still asleep. Thus you were awake and asleep or in a REM state." He explained. I furrow my eyebrows and look at him quizzically. "Then if you knew I was awake, why would you try to kiss me?" I ask shock, apparent, in my voice. He laughs. "I knew you wouldn't let me kiss you, I was just hoping it'd be a quicker way to wake you up. Which it did." He says with a bright smile. Relief flushes over me, calming my breathing and heart rate. I smile. It's hard to not smile when he smiles at you. "So why did you wake me up?" I ask as I pull my arms out in front of me, stretching my back. "My mom just called and asked if we'd like to come over there later for some dinner," He says, tracing the hem of the blanket with his fingers. I lower my arms and nod. "Of course, I love your parents." I say, watching the path he follows with his finger. "Great!" He says, stopping abruptly and looking up at me with bright eyes. "I'll leave you to get dressed," he says, climbing off of my bed. "Unless you wanna stay..." I tease as he makes his way towards the door. He looks at me over his shoulder with a flirty smile as he exits the room. I laugh and shut the door, walking over to my closet to find something nice to wear.


A/N:  I am extremely sorry it has taken me so long to update, this whole month has been extremely chaotic. Thank you to all my loyal readers and expect more to come soon. Please vote, comment, and review. Thanks for reading. :)

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