26~ Puzzle

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The warmth becomes unbearable. I open my eyes and see my bright bedroom. I lift my head, my vision fatigued and distorted. A naked Scott, sleeps in front of me, with his arms wrapped around my bare body. The room smells of cologne, sweat, and fluids. The images of the night before flash through my head like a picture show. We did it. I blush slightly and then smile, laying my head back on his chest. I drape my arm over his side. For the first time ever, I feel complete. I look up at his tranquil expression as he sleeps. I have completed the puzzle that is my heart because I found the piece. That piece being Scott. The piece that I have always had but I kept it in the box because I didn't know how I felt about it and I was unsure of what I should've done with it. He is my best friend and the love of my life. I was always empty inside until now. He stirs. I look up at him. He blinks his eyes open, fixing his eyes on me. "Good morning Love," I whisper, rubbing my fingertips across his chest. He smiles down at me. "Good morning," he says, sweetly. We are quiet as we lay there, staring at each other. He has one arm tucked under his head and he runs his fingers down my face with his free hand. "I could spend all my life laying here with you," I whisper, nuzzling my head into his hard pectoral muscle. "Don't you have to go back to work?" He whispers. "Shit! It's Saturday isn't it?!" I shout, jumping into a seated position. Scott rises with wide eyes, startled, from my sudden reaction. "Yes, Why?" He rasps. I pull the blankets away and rise out of the bed, quickly, walking over to my bathroom. "I have to go into work today." I say. The cool air creates goosebumps on my bare body. "Do you need me to help you get stuff around or something?" He shouts from my bed. I pull on briefs and a pair of beige slacks. "No, I'm fine." I shout back from the bathroom. I quickly button my white dress shirt and pull the tan leather belt through the belt loops. "What time is it?" I ask as I spray myself with cologne and put toothpaste onto the bristles. "Uh- Seven Forty," he says, from the bed. I spit the toothpaste into the sink and rinse off my tooth brush, wiping off my mouth. "Are you sure you don't need me to help you with anything?" He asks. I set my tooth brush down, turn, and walk into my bedroom. Scott remains seated on the bed with a concerned look on his face. "No, you're fine honey," I whisper. "Okay," he sighs. I clamber onto the bed and crawl towards him. I kneel next to him and press my lips lightly to his. When I pull away he smiles at me. "I'll miss you," He whispers back, his lips a few inches from mine. I look into his shiny eyes. "I bet you will," I tease, biting my bottom lip. He sticks his tongue out at me, playfully. "Gotta go," I say, backing off of the bed and walking towards the door. "I love you," Scott says from the bed. I turn and pause before I exit. "I love you too," I reply. With that I leave.

When I get to the office building I feel completely out of it. Everyone shuffles and moves around me with a goal in mind but here I am walking, against the current, aimlessly through the crowd. After being absent for about a week I feel misplaced. I dreaded coming here but I still have the blissful thoughts of Scott on my mind. His strong arms wrapped around me, making me feel safe and loved, his lips pressed against mine, causing electrical currents to run through my bloodstream. The unknown desires I always felt and my longing for him finally fulfilled. Yet I still crave more of him. I subconsciously made my way to my cubicle. It still remains the same way it has since I last touched it eight days ago. I pull out my incredibly uncomfortable chair and sit down. I spin around, slightly, looking at all of the glum faces and turn back towards my paperwork. Time to start the day, my conscience grumbles.


A/N: Another installment to the story and the ending is coming upon us quickly! Feel free to leave any comments, suggestions, and reviews. Thank you for reading! :)

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