11~ Chilling

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I open my eyes in a daze. The sun shines through the curtains and the birds chirp outside of my window. Another morning. I rise from my bed and walk to the door. I hear the slight pitter patter of footsteps outside of the door. When I grab the handle and pull it open, I find Scott pacing the floor. He looks up at me with tired eyes. "Hey. Why are you pacing?" I ask, through a yawn. "I woke up a little early. Couldn't sleep," he says, quietly. I walk into the living room, shutting my door behind me. "You look exhausted." I say, walking towards the kitchen. He is quiet. "Why don't you sit down and I'll make you some breakfast," I say, quietly, opening the cabinet. He still remains quiet. I turn around and face him. He continues to pace with a fingernail between his teeth. He stops, midstep, when he notices me staring. "Do you want coffee?" I ask him. He drops his hand to his side. "Sure." he says, walking over to the island counter and taking a seat on the barstool.

I prepare Scott a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and fruit as he sits silently at the counter sipping coffee ever so often. I place the plate in front of him with a fork and walk around the side, taking the seat beside him. "Thank you," he rasps. I swallow my coffee. "No problem," I reply, suspiciously. He has been acting strange and "un-Scott like". He picks up the fork and begins to eat. I watch him over my mug. Each of his fingernails are bitten down to the nail beds, his cuticles are ripped and red, and he bounces his leg quickly. He is very anxious and nervous. Did he do something that he isn't telling me? He finishes the food and rises, collecting his dishes. I rise and follow him as he walks around the counter. He stops at the sink and looks at me curiously. "Yes?" He asks. "So what do you want to do today?" I ask, leaning my bottom against the counter. He sets the dishes in the sink and shrugs. "I don't know... It's up to you," He says, turning and facing me. I hear my Single Ladies ringtone begin in the bedroom. "Hold on, I have to go take that." I begin, turning and walking towards my room. When I reach my phone I see that it is Alex calling. I roll my eyes and unlock it. "Hello?" I begin. "Mitch- uh- Hi," He says.

"Hi," I say, furrowing my eyebrows. "I understand your friend, Scott, is back but I am going to need you to come into work Saturday." He says, quickly. "But it's Monday," I say.  "Yes, but since I am only allowed to give a week off to every employee per month-" He begins. I close my eyes and sigh into the receiver. He never obeys the rules, but now that I am in this situation, he is going to use them to the best of his ability to fuck me. "Okay, yes, I am familiar with the rules but-" I reply. "Be here Saturday," He spits. With that he hangs up. I lower the phone from my ear and toss it onto my bed. "Who was that?" Scott asks from the doorway.  I turn. "Alex wants me to come into work Saturday..." I groan. He nods. "Well we will have to make do with the days we have left." He says with a smile. "So what do you want to do today?" I ask, softly. "Maybe we can just chill today and do something fun tomorrow, I'm just exhausted today..." He begins. I smile at him. "Okay."


A/N: I am sorry this chapter was very short, the holidays have kept me very busy. Thank you for reading and there is much more to come... :)

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