4~ Drowsy Duet

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The digital clock in my car now reads Four Thirty-Five, and we still aren't at my house yet. We passed my office about Forty-Seven minutes ago so that means we still have Thirteen minutes until we are home. I have my hands Ten and Two on the wheel and my eyes stretched open to the max just to stay awake. Scott looks out of the window at the empty highway. "All of my life been running, paying the price for living," He sings, breaking the silence that hangs over the car. "How do the young survive? We're never satisfied, Only if I could listen..." He continues, his soulful voice engulfing me in goosebumps. "When the lights go down in the middle of the night- where will I run to, When the lights go down in the middle of the night- where will I hide," he sings, his voice powerful without any type of back up or accompaniment. "When the lights go down in the middle of the night- where will I run to, When the lights go down in the middle of the night- where will I hide," he repeats, glancing towards me. "Oh woah oh oh" I sing, joining his melody. "I'm on my way... I'm on my way... I'm on my way... I'm on my way," We sing, filling the car with a beautiful harmony. "In the middle of the night, I've been running, running, running, and I'm on my way... Home," we finish and glance over at one another. "Your voice is breathtaking Mitch," He whispers in awe. I look back towards the road ahead of me, smiling. "You ain't so bad yourself..." I tease, switching lanes. He smiles at me and nudges my shoulder.

Several minutes after our 'duet', we are finally at the traffic light that exits into my neighborhood. The silence in the car amplifies the rhythmic clicks of the blinker. We sit at the empty intersection waiting for our light to turn. Finally the light turns green and I turn into the sub-divison. We drive up the street, turn, drive a couple more feet, and then we reach my small, ranch style, home. I pull onto the driveway and twist my keys; pulling them out of the ignition and turning off my car. I glance over at Scott, he is asleep again. I unfasten my seatbelt. The last time I saw Scott this tired was when he was drunk and jet-lagged from the tour. I can't even keep my eyes open any longer. I nudge Scott in the arm. "Wake up," I moan. He opens his eyes and glances around the car wildly. "Where are we?" He slurs. "My house, get your stuff and come inside because I will literally fall asleep on the driveway right now." I yawn, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. "Okay," he whines, unfastening his seatbelt and opening his door; clambering out of the car. I open my door and climb out of the car, walking towards the trunk with wobbly legs. Scott opened the trunk and gathered his two bags. I grab my briefcase and shut the trunk. The night is quiet. The moon still hangs in the sky but is nearing the edge of the horizon. The crickets join the symphony of locusts as they create the music of the night. Scott walks back to the passenger side and shuts his door and then walks to the drivers side and shuts the door. I lock the car with a reassuring beep as I follow Scott up the sidewalk to the front door. He steps to the side as I push my key into the doorknob and unlock my house. "If you want I can go and get the air mattress or you can just sleep on the couch." I slur, walking into the small foyer of my house, hoping he chooses the second option. "The air mattress sounds nice," he says, through a yawn, as he follows me into the house like a zombie. I groan and shut the door behind him, locking it tightly. "I'm just kidding, the couch sounds perfect right now," he whispers, walking into my living room. I remove my shoes and then walk into the family room. Scott sets his bags and his beige boots next to the couch and removes his jacket and dog tags, setting them on top of his bags. He plops onto the couch, face first, his feet hanging over the other end because he is so tall. "Would you like a blanket or a pillow?" I whisper. He mumbles something into the cushion but it is to hard to understand. I shrug and walk into my bedroom. Wyatt is laying, on the foot of my bed, in a little ball. I smile as I walk past the little sleeping sphinx. I remove my, black, suit coat and tie throwing them into a pile on the floor. I then remove my, white, dress shirt and my, black, dress pants and belt and throw them into the pile I had already started. I walk to my dresser and pull out a pair of red and black, plaid, pajama pants and a plain, white, t-shirt. After I slipped into those I grab a clean blanket out of my linen closet and I remove a pillow from my bed. I walk into my living room and walk to the other side of the couch. "Scott?" I whisper. His chest rises and falls slowly and his long eyelashes create fans on his porcelain cheeks. I lift his head slightly, with my free hand, and slide the pillow under him. Then I lay the blanket over him like my mother used to do to me when I was a child. I tuck in the blanket and then place my palm, lightly, on the smooth cheek of the sleeping boy. I brush my hand down his cheek to his strong jawline, where light stubble has already began to form and then I remove my hand. "Good night," I whisper. I head back into my room and check the clock on my bedside table. It's Five O' Six, I have to be up for work in two hours. I'll just call into work 'sick'. I pull back my comforter and tuck myself between the sheets. Burying my head into the pillows, I fall asleep.


A/N: I forgot to add an authors note to the last chapter, (oops :b) but finally we are getting to some more Scott and Mitch interaction! Finally we are getting somewhere, lol. I am still trying to set up some type of foundation and I am trying to be, somewhat, descriptive... But if you enjoy reading, please continue. I have had On My Way Home by Pentatonix (Vol III) stuck in my head for a while and it is kind of my inspiration for writing this story (hence the title) and I just had to include a duet, so it happened. Please leave any comments or reviews and again, Thanks for Reading <3

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