12~ Guys Night

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Scott twists the keys, hushing the car. I look at him and remove my seatbelt. "Bowling?" Scott asks, with a chuckle. "It's what Avi and Kevin wanted to do-" I begin, defensively. "No, Mitch, I like bowling but I'm surprised you want to." Scott says, removing his seatbelt. "What is more fun then the smell of tobacco, the greasy finger holes in the bowling balls, and sharing shoes?" I ask, sarcastically. "A guys night out and the competition." Scott says with a cute wink. I roll my eyes and open the car door.

A loud crash echoes through the musky, dark, building as we walk into the bowling alley. "Thank you," I say to Scott, who is holding the door open for me. "No problem," He replies, sweetly. He is such a gentleman, my conscience exclaims. We walk further into the building, which is full of life, every lane is filled. We turn the corner and arrive at the desk where you rent your shoes. Avi stands at the counter, waiting for his shoes, with his usual beanie and plaid shirt. "Hey Bass," Scott says from my side. Avi looks over at us with his brilliant green eyes and smiles. "Hey guys," He bellows. We walk closer to him to hear his low voice. "So did you grab a lane?" Scott asks. He nods. "Yes, Kevin is over there in lane twenty one." He says, as the man behind the counter returns with his bowling shoes. "Thanks man," Avi says, looking over at the man. "Okay. We'll join you over there as soon as we grab our shoes." I say with a smile. He nods and heads over to the lane.

Scott and I collect our shoes and walk towards the lane. Avi sits at the keyboard entering our names as Kevin ties up his shoes. "Hey," Scott says as he takes a seat beside Kevin. Kevin looks up at Scott and smiles. I place my hand on the table to keep balance as I lift my leg and remove my shoe. As soon as I get my bowling shoe on I do the same to the other foot. "I put Kev first, Scott second, Mitch third, me last since I am going to order some 'Za and Brew." Avi says, rising from the keyboard.  Kevin lifts his ball and walks towards the lane. Scott sets his ball in the rack. "'Za and Brew?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Avi smiles. "Pizza and beer," he clarifies with a laugh. I nod and walk towards a rack full of bowling balls as he heads towards the snack bar. I lean down to grab a ball labeled 'twelve' as I hear a loud crush. "Woo!" I hear Kevin exclaim. I turn quickly. Kevin, who had just rose for his first turn, bowled a strike. "Strike baby!" I hear Kevin hoot. Scott rises and gives Kevin a fist bump. I smile.  "Congrats Kev," I say kneeling back down to lift the ball. When I rise again, Kevin is now seated and Scott is up to bowl. He takes a couple steps and releases the ball. The ball slides slickly down the lane and slowly drifts to the side. It knocks down several pins in the corner. "Wha-wah," I tease. He turns and smirks. On the TV it displays 'three pins' that were knocked down. "Three," Kevin laughs. "Watch out Kevin, he's catching up fast!" I say, sarcastically. Scott sticks his tongue out at me and laughs as he grabs his ball off of the ball return. I set my ball in the ball return and sit down beside Kevin. Scott walks back up to the lane, takes a few steps, and releases the ball. The ball rolls down the lane quicker this time and this time knocks down the remaining pins. I gape at the sight with wide eyes as my chin hits the floor. A spare! I rise. "Nice job, Scooter," Kevin says. Scott laughs and takes a bow. "You're up, Mitchy," He says, walking over and taking the place I was once seated. I close my mouth into a smile and walk to the ball return. I approach the lane that glistens under the lights that hang on the ceiling. The white pins sit in their preset formation at the end of the lane. I step forward slowly bring my arm back, and then swing my arm forward, releasing the ball.


A/N: This was a fun, short, chapter to write and I'm really enjoying how the upcoming chapters are developing. I think I'm a going to be too busy to publish tomorrow so I just decided to do it tonight. Bend rules a little :b Thank you to all who have read, voted, followed, and reviewed; You guys are the best and my motivation to write. Stay tuned because there is much more to come.

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