Two mages born to protect Tir Na Nog Island: The Nature mage Oiamh Wolf daughter of the land and the storm mage Zero Sparks the son of the sky. Alongside their fellow Fire, Ice and Water protectors these five mages vowed to protect their island home...
It's been about 15 years since Oiamh was born and her father stepped down from being a guard for their homeland. However that didn't stop him helping her get stronger. Day by day after her tenth birthday she got better at wielding her sword. A rapier gifted to her by Aleiya with whom she was close friends with alongside Esterra and Yukio.
(more info on the time jump to come in future chapters >^-^< I had this planned out don't worry)
Today Oiamh is off to meet with the Fae who have a newly crowned king: Ryella. A loving animus fae.
Oiamh's POV
my first time here in the fae kingdom...I hope I don't let my forest brethren down
"Are you excited to be meeting the fae king?" Yukio asked. I asked him to come with me since I didn't really know the way
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(What Yukio looks like)
"Excited - but also a bit nervous. I don't want to let down my tribe or our beloved King and Queen who asked me to come here" I replied then Yukio pat me on the head which made me look into his eyes
"I know you'll be fine" He told me then we arrived
We were stopped at the gates to the castle Ryella lived in when I felt a wave of weird magic. I put a hand up to the gates but then the weird magic I felt a burning sensation on my hand
I looked at my left palm and it was burnt.
There must be a ward over here that only some may pass through
"ARREST THE FOREST WOLF!" I heard someone shout but the voice was so high pitched. It must be one of the fae
"What?! Esterra get Oiamh out of here now!" Yukio asked the Phoenix who was flying overhead in her Phoenix form
"Yukio what's going on?!" Esterra asked as she grabbed me with her feet
"Fae guards stand down. It's alright" Yukio said to the faerie who came up to him
"How can you be so sure. Those wolves invaded our territory 12 years ago and caused us to go into hiding away from the kingdom outside our walls" The fae said
Twelve years ago? Isn't that when some of the wolves fled to the heavens instead of residing on the land with the rest of us?
"Esterra can you put me down please. I have an idea" I asked
"Erm...if you say so Oiamh...though I'll stay next to you in case your idea goes south" I nodded with a smile understanding why she's doing it
"Please I mean no harm to the fae land. My name is Oiamh. I'm a friend of the guardians..." I told the fae who was hovering in front of me
"Oiamh......why does that name sound familiar in a sense? Also my name is Ruby. Captain of the Fae Kingdom Guard" Ruby told me. They're a bit bigger than the other fae maybe due to their rank?
"I was named after King Oisin and Queen Niamh. My mother is Naomi Wolf. One of the court mages and my father is chief captain of the guard in the main kingdom" I replied
"Stand down and let the wolf past. I was made aware of her coming by the stars and the animals of the forest" a voice commanded
I turned around and saw the most beautiful fae I've seen here
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"Greetings little wolf. My name is Ryella. Titania of the Fae. My animal friends made me aware of your coming with the deer by your side" the fae said to me
I curtsied and Yukio bowed. Before us now is the Fae Leader themselves. After we stood back up they led the way to the castle
"Forgive my asking what was the magic barrier at the gates? When I put my hand up to see if my hunch of magic was true, it burnt my palm" I asked
"Ah. That was to keep unwelcome guests out. Whilst I was made aware of your coming I unfortunately was not aware in time to lower the barrier for you precious wolf" I wonder why they're calling me precious and little wolf? I know I am a wolf but still....
"Ah. Zero you've arrived. I was awaiting you" Ryella stated to the wolf in front of me. He's pretty pale compared to me...maybe he's in the wolf pack who betrayed us and fled to the heavens
I just glared at him and he took note of this
"Calm yourself forest wolf. I mean you no harm. I was merely sent as an ambassador from my wolf pack" he stated as he entered the throne room with us
I may have glared at him but I'll admit he is cute.....but I can't. His pack betrayed mine and for that I can never fall in love with a traitor.
Right as peace talks were concluding the castle came under seige.
My powers are still developing magic me vulnerable to black outs when I use my abilities but I have to do something so I took on my nature appearance
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"OIAMH NO IT'S TOO DANGEROUS FOR YOU STILL!" Yukio shouted to me when he saw me in this form
"I don't care. A true guardian is willing to put themselves at risk if it means the ones they guard are safe." Ryella, Zero and Yukio were caught off guard when I said that
"If you're fighting then allow me to fight by your side. I might be a wolf of the heavens but I am still a wolf. And despite what you think I was against my pack fleeing to the heavens from the land" He explained so he drew his sword....
(dun dun dun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CLIFF HANGER!) I'll have chapter three out soon. Once I get more written I'll start getting a schedule going for this book, Daughter of Ishgard as well as my creepy pasta book as these three are the current ones I'm working on. The rest are on hold for now.